
Bash shell and Vim configuration settings

Primary LanguageVim Script


Read this post for a detailed setup of a new laptop.

Follow this gist for a simple summary of what to do (for my benefit primarily).

Note: there is also an older/outdated gist, so choose the post over the gist.


This section will reference any tools or information I've recently discovered, that aren't mentioned in the above gist (nor in my related blog post) and I've considered not important enough to necessarily install or fix by default (hence not updating the relevant gist/post to include them).

Note: create a symlink to the internal airport binary so you can control wifi from your terminal: ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/wifi, like: wifi -s to list available WiFi networks, and wifi -I to get info on the current WiFi connection (this post has more tricks and tips).

Firefox Extensions