
Home Assistant HACS integration for Solis inverters

Primary LanguagePython

Solis Modbus Integration for Home Assistant


The Solis Modbus Integration for Home Assistant is a streamlined solution to connect your Solis inverter with Home Assistant. This integration was inspired by fboundy's ha_solis_modbus. However, it enhances the native Modbus integration in Home Assistant by consolidating multiple register queries into single calls, eliminating unnecessary overhead.




Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

To install the Solis Modbus Integration, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Home Assistant instance.
  2. Navigate to the "HACS".
  3. Click the 3 dots menu img.png
  4. Click on "Custom Repositories" img_1.png
  5. Fill in the repository "https://github.com/Pho3niX90/solis_modbus", and category "Integration"
  6. Now search for "Solis Modbus" img_2.png
  7. Click on Download

Total Sensors

Whilst the solis inverters do provide total sensors for today, yesterday, month and year. I highly suggest to create a utility meter in HA, as a time difference between HA and Solis might have the values reset before midnight, causing issues in charts.

Manual Installation

  1. Copy the "solis_modbus" folder into your "custom_components" folder


  1. Navigate to Settings -> Devices & Services
  2. Click on "+ Add Integration"
  3. Search for "Solis Modbus"
  4. Add in the IP of your inverter in the first box, and port in the second.


type: custom:sunsynk-power-flow-card
  grid-area: flow
cardstyle: lite
large_font: true
show_solar: true
panel_mode: true
card_height: 415px
  model: solis
  modern: false
  colour: '#959595'
  autarky: 'no'
  mppts: 2
  show_daily: false
  colour: '#F4C430'
  animation_speed: 9
  max_power: 9600
  pv1_name: West
  pv2_name: North
  energy: 14280
  shutdown_soc: 20
  show_daily: true
  colour: pink
  animation_speed: 6
  max_power: 6000
  show_aux: false
  show_daily: true
  animation_speed: 8
  max_power: 6000
  additional_loads: 2
  load2_name: Geyser
  load2_icon: mdi:heating-coil
  load1_name: Pool
  load1_icon: mdi:pool
  show_daily_buy: true
  no_grid_colour: red
  animation_speed: 8
  max_power: 6000
  invert_grid: true
  dc_transformer_temp_90: sensor.solis_temperature
  day_battery_charge_70: sensor.solis_today_battery_charge_energy
  day_battery_discharge_71: sensor.solis_today_battery_discharge_energy
  day_load_energy_84: sensor.solis_today_energy_consumption
  day_grid_import_76: sensor.solis_today_energy_imported_from_grid
  day_grid_export_77: sensor.solis_today_energy_fed_into_grid
  day_pv_energy_108: sensor.solis_pv_today_energy_generation
  inverter_voltage_154: sensor.solis_a_phase_voltage
  load_frequency_192: sensor.solis_grid_frequency
  inverter_current_164: sensor.solis_a_phase_current
  inverter_power_175: sensor.solis_backup_load_power
  grid_power_169: sensor.solis_ac_grid_port_power
  battery_voltage_183: sensor.solis_battery_voltage
  battery_soc_184: sensor.solis_battery_soc
  battery_power_190: sensor.solis_battery_power
  battery_current_191: sensor.solis_battery_current
  essential_power: sensor.solis_backup_load_power
  grid_ct_power_172: sensor.solis_meter_total_active_power
  pv1_voltage_109: sensor.solis_dc_voltage_1
  pv1_current_110: sensor.solis_dc_current_1
  pv1_power_186: sensor.solis_dc_power_1
  pv2_power_187: sensor.solis_dc_power_2
  pv_total: sensor.solis_total_dc_output
  pv2_voltage_111: sensor.solis_dc_voltage_2
  pv2_current_112: sensor.solis_dc_voltage_2
  grid_voltage: sensor.solis_a_phase_voltage
  battery_current_direction: sensor.solis_battery_current_direction
  inverter_status_59: sensor.solis_current_status
  remaining_solar: sensor.solcast_pv_forecast_forecast_remaining_today

Settings Card Example


type: vertical-stack
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: number.solis_time_charging_charge_current
            name: Charge Current
        state_color: true
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: number.solis_time_charging_discharge_current
            name: Discharge Current
        state_color: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: switch.solis_time_of_use_mode
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        name: Charge Slot 1
        toggle: true
        state_header: TOU
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:timer
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_charge_start_slot_1
            name: Charge From
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_charge_end_slot_1
            name: Charge To
      - entity: switch.solis_time_of_use_mode
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        name: Discharge Slot 1
        toggle: true
        state_header: TOU
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:timer
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_discharge_start_slot_1
            name: Charge From
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_discharge_end_slot_1
            name: Charge To
      - entity: switch.solis_time_of_use_mode
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        name: Charge Slot 2
        toggle: true
        state_header: TOU
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:timer
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_charge_start_slot_2
            name: Charge From
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_charge_end_slot_2
            name: Charge To
      - entity: switch.solis_time_of_use_mode
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        name: Discharge Slot 2
        toggle: true
        state_header: TOU
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:timer
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_discharge_start_slot_2
            name: Charge From
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_discharge_end_slot_2
            name: Charge To
      - entity: switch.solis_time_of_use_mode
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        name: Charge Slot 3
        toggle: true
        state_header: TOU
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:timer
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_charge_start_slot_3
            name: Charge From
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_charge_end_slot_3
            name: Charge To
      - entity: switch.solis_time_of_use_mode
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        name: Discharge Slot 3
        toggle: true
        state_header: TOU
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:timer
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_discharge_start_slot_3
            name: Charge From
          - entity: time.solis_time_charging_discharge_end_slot_3
            name: Charge To
    state_color: true
  grid-area: a

Card inspiration from https://github.com/slipx06/Sunsynk-Home-Assistant-Dash


Inverters Tested

  • Solis S6 Pro 6kW Advanced Hybrid Inverter
  • Solis S6-EH1P6K-L-PRO
  • Solis RHI-5K @fastsonic
  • Solis S6-EH3P15K-H

Wifi Dongles Tested

  • S2_WL_ST