This project consists of a set of QML components to ease the creation of beautiful applications in QML for Ubuntu.
QML alone lacks built-in components for basic widgets like Button, Slider, Scrollbar, etc, meaning a developer has to build them from scratch. This toolkit aims to stop this duplication of work, supplying beautiful components ready-made and with a clear and consistent API.
These components are fully themeable so the look and feel can be easily customized. Resolution independence technology is built in so UIs are scaled to best suit the display.
Other features:
- localisation through gettext
This project supports QML2 and above on Qt 5.9 and above.
You need Qt5 installed to proceed. To build this repository, run
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ..
make -j4
View the components gallery by running
To install these components, run
make install
You may need to be root for this command to succeed.
To use these components in QML without installing them, you need to set the QML2_IMPORT_PATH environment variable. This is done by running
from the root directory of this repository, but is lost when you close your shell.
- autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit: Autopilot test cases and CPOs ./ list ./ run [TESTCASE]
- api: Tests for apicheck (API description generator) Run 'make check' in the folder
- license: Script to verify that sources contains copright headers make license
- resources: Manual test cases (deprecated, should move to unit/visual)
- unit: Unit tests using QTest/UbuntuTestCase Run 'make check[_BASENAME_WITH_UNDERSCORES]' in the respective subfolder eg. 'tst_label_extras.13.qml' becomes 'make check_tst_label_extras_13' This is driven by and
- visual: All tests in this folder can be run as unit tests as well as interactively. That means 'make check' or via Optional: prefix with './tests/' to run inside XVfb. Note for adding new files: The root must be a visual Item-based type with a width and height. TestCase or UbuntuTestCase must be a child.
Verify the whole Toolkit API:
inspects components.api and produces
Verify the tidyness of packaging:
Verify the coding style of Python source code: pyflakes .
can be used in bash to setup the environment.
Once built, you may view the documentation by opening documentation/html/overview-ubuntu-sdk.html in your favorite web browser.
To build the Autopilot SDK Helpers documentation, you need to install sphinx. After installation, change directory to documentation/autopilot-helpers and executing make.
sudo apt-get install python3-sphinx
cd documentation/autopilot-helpers
make singlehtml
- Once built, you may view the documentation by opening
in your favorite web browser.