the api for my vidpolaris project, based off of my old YTDL-API.
this is not affiliated in any way with google or youtube! use at your own risk
* = required parameter
if you try to load certain tests, depending on if youtube is rate-limiting us, it may not work.
- fent/node-ytdl-core - metadata/links to the video
- TimeForANinja/ytsr - searches
- TimeForANinja/ytpl - playlists
- goto-bus-stop/youtube-suggest - search suggestions
- philbot9/youtube-comment-api - comments
- vialets/google-translate-api - translation
- invidious API - channel pages, trending
type: music, gaming, news, movies
country*: a country from this list ->
test this command (variation 1) => general trending list in the united states
test this command (variation 2) => music trending list in canada
info*: 1
url*: video link (in format)
test this command => streaming links and info of a test video
translate*: text
to: language from google translate's list, converted to ISO 639-1 format (defualt: en)
test this command (variation 1) => "hello world" to spanish
test this command (variation 2) => "hola mundo" to english
search*: give any query and it turns back out 10 or less results
type: video, playlist, channel
test this command (variation 1) => gives 10 results (or less) of videos that match "test video"
test this command (variation 2) => gives 10 results (or less) of results that match "test video"[query]
suggest*: give any query and it gives you 10 or less suggestions
test this command => gives 10 results (or less) of search suggestions that match "test video"
comments*: 1
url*: video link (in format)
token: continuation after 20 comments, given in first response (if any)
test this command => gives 20 comments or less on the Robert Thicke song "Blurred Lines"
itag*: itag, found in smart response
url*: video link (in format)
test this command => gives 480p itag of the Robert Thicke song "Blurred Lines"
channelId*: youtube channel id
test this command => returns channel information for RobinThickeVevo
channelVideos*: youtube channel id
page: a number (default: 1)
test this command => returns channel videos of the channel RobinThickeVevo
id*: ID of a youtube video
test this command => reddit posts containing a link for Robert Thicke song "Blurred Lines"
reddit*: 1
sub: music, deep
if sub is not in there, it defaults to /r/videos.
test this command (variation 1) => videos trending on /r/videos
test this command (variation 2) => videos trending on /r/deepintoyoutube
list: playlist id