Project Superloop

The project is built with Vite + ReactJS + Typescript for code assessment.

To run the project, simply do

npm i


npm run dev

Key points

  • I used react-select lib to do the main search and select part. If we shall use normal <input>, we will need to create a div to fake the dropdown for options. There are quite some trivial works, so I eventually used this lib. I put some comment in the component to demonstrate what do we do without this particular lib.
  • I tried to use Typescript as much and as properly as I can in this small project, but normally we should have more configuration for the project and organise the types well in type files.
  • In real world, I will cover at least key functions with unit tests and some basic end-to-end tests.

  • I used throttle to avoid excessive API calls, in real world, we could also consider cache popular searches to reduce the API call

  • I used styled-component instead of any UI library for styling, which can reflect some CSS skills. Here, I created a useScreenQuery hook to check the current screen size so I can update the page responsively. I personally like to use the auto layout of flex, to avoid changing everything manually.

  • I used vite just for fun. It's super quick to run, especially work with pnpm. create-react-app is still used in most cases.

  • Try "Kiribati" for showing multiple currencies.