
An app for users to review their experiences with Japanese phone carriers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SakuraSignal 🌸

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Table of Contents

Click here for more details
  1. Project Description
  2. How to Use
  3. Developer: How to run this project
  4. Credits
  5. License
  6. Helpful Resources

Project Description

What is Sakura Signal?

Sakura Signal is a web app for user to review their overall user experiences over the main Japanese phone carriers

Why should anyone use Sakura Signal?

This app helps foreigners who theirs native language are not Japaneses to quickly adopt some useful infomation over users' review on a dedicated choices of phone carrier in Japan and let any one who might have the experience on the phone carrier to tell his/her user experiences.


Consider contribute to this projects by:

  • using the issues system;
  • filing a bug reports;
  • provide feedback;
  • shares your idea(s) with us;
  • submit Pull Request (please associate it with an issue);

Kindly follow our Contribution guideline on how to contribute(under construction).

Tech Stack

Tech Usage
react The basic frontend user interface framework interacting with DOM
postgresql A widely used, reliable and secure database
express Backend control to database
knex Maintaining tables and necessary seeds for the postgresql database
Faker Create dummy reviews for testing purposes

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How to use

Normal user

The normal use of this web application does not required user to login, currently.

The app does required user for an unique email address and an username in order to write a review of a particular phone service provider. Reading other users reviews, however, do not required any login.

(We might expend for user login feature in the future for deletion or editing their review)


When the app is fired, user will be directed to the homepage, each phone providers with a short description are listed on the page inside a cell block. A Learn More button is available for each company and user can click on the button to see a more detailed reviews, detail such as, whether the provider has English support and reviews left by the other users are also listed.

The Provider Page

When the user clicked on the Learn More button at the homepage on that specific provider, the user will be redirected into the Provider Page of that respective phone carrier. Inside the Provider Page there are several interesting elements user can reference themselves to.

Components Description
Provider Info At top of the Provider Page, it consist of a brief description of the carrier, whether they provide English support, a link to the carrier page, a Home Button and a Navigation Panel
The Average Provider Score Box (the pink-red-ish box on the left of The Review) The box show user the overall average score of that carrier and followed by reviews left by other individual users.
The Review The reviews provided by other user

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel located below the Home Button consist of three visible components (The Left Arrow, The Right Arrow, The Current Provider Name Button) and a hidden dropdown menu. The panel located below the Home button in the Provider Info area. The Navigation Panel allow user to navigate between providers in ascending (The Right Arrow) or descending (The Left Arrow) order without going back to Home page first. Clicking the Current Provider Name Button will open the hidden dropdown menu consist of the other providers, click on the provider name in the menu will bring you directly to that provider page.

The average provider score box

Score Type Description
Overall Scorce The average score users given in the overall score field
Ease of Use The average score users given in the ease of use field
Coverage The average score users given in the coverage field
Price The average score users given in the price field
Customer Service The average score users given in the customer service field

Below the average provider score box is the Write a Review button. Click the button will redirect user to the review form page(see below) to input their review.

the Review

The Review provided by each user are displayed on the provider page. Each reviewer score and feedback are represented inside the Review Card.

The Review Form Page

The Review Form Page consist of a table of Radio button for user to pick their score for each fields: Overall, Ease of use, Coverage, Price and Customer Service. Each score has from a minimum of 0 up to the score of 10. User can create a username and provide a user email. A dropdown menu are present for user to select their company for reviewing. At the bottom of the page, we have a text area for user to input their feedback of the given company.

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Admin User

(under construction)

Developer: How to run this project

Setting up the environment


This project required the following technology to run:-

  • PostgreSQL
  • NodeJS

please refer to your own OS and its corresponding guides to install the above necessary tech.

1. Clone the repository

Clone the repository in your working directory. However, if you decided only to contribute, consider folk the repository instead.

2. Setup .env file

Run the following terminal command at the root level of the project:-

cat .env.example > .env

postgresql required valuable

You will need the following valuables in order to run the application:-

  • DB_NAME - the database name under postgresql. Create a database in postgresql if you have not already.
  • DB_USER - default should be postgres, depends on your setup, use the most appropriate DB_USER.
  • DB_PASSWORD - the strong password you setup for accessing postgres database
  • NODE_ENV - for developer use development: (development | production)

Enter the above stated valuable in the .env file.

Note that the said .env file should be listed in the .gitignore so that when push to git it will not be exported to github.

3. Install the necessary packages

Install the dependencies

npm install -i

Build the application

npm run build

4. Run the application

The app consist of two parts, the server and the client. Both client and sever must be running concurrently in order for the app to work.


At the server, which is the root directory of the folder, run the following command in the terminal:-

npm run start

Or alternatively, using nodemon by running the following:-

npm run dev


At the client folder, run the following command in the terminal:-

npm run start

After this step, your default web browser should open with the app running

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Problem with migration or seed

Updating or Amending the database

In case you might needed to update or make amendment to the database tables or seeds, use the following to create migration and seed, or something did not went as expected during install or building the application:

Make migration file

Replace new_table and give a meaningful name that represent your integration.

Create the new empty migration file by execute the following:-

npm run make:migration new_table

Edit the migration accordingly

Integrate the migration file

Run the following to run the latest migration to the database:-

npm run migrate

Create seed file

Replace new_seed with a name best describe the seed.

Run the following to create a new seed file:-

npm run make:seed new_seed

Integrate the seed file

Run the following to integrate the seed file:-

npm run seed

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The point of interest

The Frontend

special files at developer interest

file location Description
client/src/index.js This file contains the routes and the client side endpoints for each separate page
client/src/data/providers.json This file contain an array of object consist of provider_id, name, value and path


Elements Description
AvgScores displays all of the average scores on the carrier profile pages (the pink card)
Button a template for most of the buttons on the app
Card the cards that are displayed for each carrier on the Homepage
Dropdown Menu the dropdown menu that allows user to select which carrier they are reviewing on the Forms page
Footer the footer that is displayed on all pages
Header the header that is displayed on the Homepage and the thank you message after submission
Input a template for the input fields on the Forms page
Navbar alternate version of the Header component; this one has a home button in the upper right corner
ProviderInfo displays the hero at the top of each carrier profile page
Radio Score system for user to choose 0 - 10


Pages Description
Form the page where the user will input their scores and write their review
Homepage the homepage; this is the root path ("/")
Provider the provider page of each provider


Radio.jsx is a component by providing a set of 11 dots (0 - 10 radio dot) to represent the score of a given particular score to a given radioName.

props hints
ScoreSetter This is a function which will update its score to the parent via hook.
radioName The given radioName provided will be shown as the header of the Radio and the radioName must be unique for it to work.
className You can give a className to the radio to control its behavior via css

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The Backend

API endpoints

To test the endpoint, use postman or tech equivalent and use GET POST PATCH PUT or DELETE request. The default port for the server is 4000 if you are running it from your local machine (eg. localhost:4000/)

request api endpoints Description
GET /api/hello/ The endpoints used for testing. Expected to return world in the data output
GET /api/providers/names The endpoints return providers' id and names
GET /api/providers/ The endpoints return the phone providers details in the form of an array or a list at the data output. More details below .
GET /api/providers/:providerIdOrName The endpoints that takes providerId (number) or name (string) and return the provider's infos and review(s) of that provider. If the providerIdOrName is invalid, it will return error (the error will only be noticeable in console as an error message). More details below
POST /api/reviews The endpoint which the review is handled. It provided email checks that one email user can only post their feedback once. The body of the endpoint is expecting the user input such as email, username, the scores and their feedback. See details below

(futher endpoints are under construction)


This endpoint queries the Database for the seeded provider data and the overall scores from the review_detail table. At the moment, we only have 9 providers, but it could be generalized to take in an id value and query for any number of providers.

The endpoint return's (i.e. res.send()) back an array of objects, where each object contains the following keys (id, name, img_url, description, english_support, site_url, overall).

keys Descriptions
id (integer) The id value the provider has in the provider table.
name (string) The name of the provider.
img_url (string) The img address to the providers logo.
description (string) A general paragraph description of the provider.
english_support (boolean) A boolean value as to if the company provides English customer support.
site_url (string) The url for the providers website (English page if available).
overall (float rounded to 2 decimal places) A figure of the average of all overall scores of that provider.

sample of data output:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Mobal",
    "img_url": "https://www.mobal.com/img/common/logo.svg",
    "description": "A US based company that offers Japanese and International sim plans for both long-term and short-term stays. Mobal guarantees that the majority of their profits go to charity. They also offer complete English-speaking support. They also offer a home wifi plan with a mobile hotspot plan.",
    "english_support": true,
    "site_url": "https://www.mobal.com/",
    "overall": 5.71

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This endpoint requires the providerid parameter as a number (1-9) or provider name (e.g. Mobal). This number corrolates to the providers location in the provider table.

This endpoint returns an array of two values:

[providerInfo, reviews]


  • providerInfo is an object
  • reviews is an array of review object.
Element Description
providerInfo It has all the same keys as in /api/providers, as well as (ease_of_use, coverage, price, and customer_service). Each of these keys are the average scores of their respective reviewer criteria.
reviews An array of objects where each object contains the following keys (reviewer_name, overall, ease_of_use, coverage, price, customer_service, and customer_review).
keys Description
reviewer_name (string) The name of the reviewer to display.
overall (number) The reviewer's overall score.
ease_of_use (number) The reviewer's Ease of Use score
coverage (number) The reviewer's coverage score.
price (number) The reviewer's price score.
customer_service (number) The reviewer's customer service score.
customer_review (string) The reviewer's written review of the company.


This endpoint is to add a new customers review. This endpoint takes the review in the body, test if that email had been used prior to review that company, and if it hasn't adds it to the database.

This endpoint expects the body to contain the following information:

  • provider_id (number)
  • reviewer_name (string)
  • email (string)
  • overall (number)
  • ease_of_use (number)
  • coverage (number)
  • price (number)
  • customer_service (number)
  • customer_review (string)

sample of the review body:

    "reviewer_name": "Todd Rogers",
    "email": "godslayerXD@hotmail.com",
    "overall": 8,
    "ease_of_use": 6,
    "coverage": 9,
    "price": 7,
    "customer_service": 9,
    "customer_review": "Creating an account and getting the SIM card is a little annoying, and once you put the SIM card in your phone, there is a bit of annoyance in setting up the data plan on your phone. However, once you finish the setup, I haven't had an issue with the server and everytime I contacted customer service, my issue was quickly addressed."

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Name github
Taylor https://github.com/TaylorC19
Nicole https://github.com/nikobatzi1990
Taiga https://github.com/gagataiga
Ikuno https://github.com/ikuno815
Joe https://github.com/kappanjoe
Lak https://github.com/LakGillJPN
Chadwick https://github.com/SirrorsMoore1975

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MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Phone-Review-App

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Helpful Resources

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