
Graphical process explorer for Linux which shows process information

Primary LanguagePython

Linux Process Explorer

Graphical process explorer for Linux which shows process information: process tree, TCP IP connections and graphical performance figures for processes.

Aims to mimic Windows procexp from sysinternals, and aims to be more usable than top and ps, especially for advanced users.

Audience for this tool:

  • Advanced system administrators trying to analyze on process level what is going on in a production server;
  • Software developers analyzing the troughput of their process: e.g. TCP throughput, memory usage, memory leaks, open files and filepointers.

The most advanced feature is the monitoring of TCP/IP traffic figures, for each SINGLE process (actual connections and throughput). As far as known no other tool has this capability. In the process tree, use the right mouse button to monitor process details.

About the author

This is a clone of @wolfc01 repository in sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/procexp/ Go there if you want to download binary files.