
This repository provide excel file, pdf to solve manually problem in forecasting, inventory management and logistics design network.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository provide excel file, pdf to solve manually problem in forecasting, inventory management and logistics design network.

Logistics Engineer and Supply Chain Management

Main Content : In this course, I have learned about:

  • Understanding of key elements and structure of a Supply Chain System.
  • Understanding how to design an effective supply chain
  • Know how to formulate and solve different logistics and supply chain design problems by using the mathematical techniques. Know how to solve the models using computer-based software such as CPLEX, LINGO, Python, Matlab. Able to solve practical problems and analyze the solutions

Text Books

  • Chopra, S., and Meindl, P., 2016. Supply chain management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, 6th ed.. NY: Prentice Hall.
  • Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., and Simchi-Levi, E., 2008. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies. Boston: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin.
  • M. Watson, S. Lewis, P. Cacioppi, J. Jayaraman, 2013. Supply Chain Network Design: Applying Optimization and Analytics to the Global Supply Chain. Pearson Education, FT Press, New Jersey.

References books:

  • Mankiw NG, 2011. Principles of Economics, 5th edition. South-Western Cengage Learning.
  • Simchi-Levi, D., Chen, X., Bramel, J., 2014. The Logic of Logistics Management. Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering.
  • I. Minis, V. Zeimpekis, G. Dounias, N. Ampazis, 2011. Supply Chain Optimization, Design, and Management: Advances and Intelligent Methods. Business Science Reference, Hershey, Newyork.
  • M.Govil, J.M. Proth, 2002. Supply Chain Design and Management: Strategic and Tactical Perspective. Academic Press, Sandiego, California