
summrize the feature of the Deecamp Dataset

Primary LanguagePython


summrize the feature of the Deecamp Dataset

this repository is about the data analysis of Deecamp Dataset and KITTI Dataset.

the related files are in Deecamp-KITTI-Dataset-Analysis

1 preprocess

File Tree:

├── csv
│   ├── Car.csv
│   ├── Car_describe.csv
│   ├── ......
├── data_pre_analysis.py
├── object_nums
│   ├── object_nums.png
│   └── val_object_nums.csv
├── plot
│   ├── Car
│   │   ├── Car_h.png
│   │   ├── ......
│   ├── Cyclist
│   ├── DontCare
│   ├── Pedestrian
│   ├── Tricar
│   └── Truck
├── data_pre_analysis.py
└── need_to_process.txt

Quick Start:

python data_pre_analysis.py

Demo, the comparison of different types of Deecamp Dataset:


2 postprocess

File stream :

graph LR
A[val_filter.txt] -->|txtfileio.py|C(tlabels.json)
    C -->|fileio.py| E(labels.json)
    E -->|getfpfn.py| H(fpfn.json)
    E -->|hist.py| G(labelshist.json)
    G -->|percentage.py| I(percentage.json)
B(prediction.pkl) -->D(tpre.json)
    D -->|fileio.py| F(prediction.json)
    F -->|getfpfn.py| H(fpfn.json)
    H -->|hist.py| J(prehist.json)
    J -->|percentage.py| I

from percentage.json analyze data and plot

Quick Start:

python plot.py

Demo, the relationship between directions to LiDAR and Miss Rate of 'Car':


3 kitti process

process kitti trainset

Quick Start:

python kitti_analysis.py

Demo, the comparison of KITTI Dateset and Deecamp Dataset:
