Photon Realtime Webhooks Azure Functions (Server-less) Sample


Implementation of Photon Realtime Webhooks Sample in Azure Functions Server-less approach. A Photon Turnbased Webhooks sample using Azure Functions, Azure Blob & TableStorage and Notification Hub.


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Run & develop it locally

  • Open the code using Visual Studio Code folder explorer & hit run!
  • Login to Portal and go to your newly created resource group and the storage account within it
  • Select the Azure Storage > Access Keys (copy paste into the config) & Azure Notification Namespace > Notification Hub > Access Keys
  • set "AzureBlob": "{your connection string here}"
  • set "AzureNotificationHub": "{your connection string here}"

Deployment of the Azure Infrastructure will also update connection strings of created resources in the source code so no changes are required to get the sample running in azure; however connection strings will be required for Storage Account & Notification Hub, these are updated in appsettings.json

Then send a POST request e.g. localhost:7071/api/hello-world/GameCreate. In the format localhost:{port}/api/{appId}/Game{Controller}

A PostMan Collection with examples is include in the Repo

Deploy to Azure

Hit this link to create all infrastructure required to run locally and in Azure.

Deploy to Azure

Note - this will host the Functions in Azure as well as the infrastructure, the 1st 1M function calls in azure are free, functions are charged at a per request basics so hosting the functions will not use credit if they aren't called.

Created Infrastructure

  • Storage Account -

    Storage Accounts contain different ways to persist data in tables, queues or binary large objects (Blob). This project uses blob and table storage to store game event data

  • Web API App -

    Azure is able to host websites and web api's in the cloud. This code will be automatically deployed to a web api app read for a Http request to be sent

  • Notification Hub Namespace and Notification Hub -

    Notification Hub in Azure is like a queue, we can send a message and our client will consume that message, and respond accordingly

  • Application Insights -

    Application Insights allows us to track numerous aspects of out project, such as execution time, errors, calls and many more, this can then be linked with BI services to get deep insight into performance and such from our code

  • Azure Functions -

    Azure Functions is a way to run code in azure without a dedicated server. The code base is hosted in Azure and is on a per operation price plan, meaning you only pay for what you use. 1st 1 million request per month are free! Functions allow many different triggers, a new blob in blob storage, a message on a queue, manual triggers or in our case HTTP triggers via REST

Deployment of the Azure Infrastructure will also update connection strings of created resources in the source code so no changes are required to get the sample running in azure; however connection strings will be required for Storage Account & Notification Hub, these are updated in appsettings.json

Notification Hub

Azure Notification Hub requires clients to be registered with the back-end service, as well as notifications for specific client OS. A template has been created for messages in Common/HubMessage.csx & a template for sending a message in Common/NotificationHub.csx, implement your own logic here for sending push notifications to specific clients.

Link with Photon Realtime

Create your Photon Realtime account login and create a new app. Use the Url from your hosted Azure Functions e.g. Hit Manage -> Create Web Hook, set your Url and Paths for the controllers and hit apply. Your Photon Cloud Realtime account is now pointing to your Azure Web Api