ConvertU-CLI is now depreciated, please go to ConvertU-CCLI if you want something more up to date
It has a bunch of different units, and very easy to use installer for Linux and MacOS.
FOSS, You are free to modify, read, distribute the code as outlined in GPL3
Feel Free to make your own forks of it! Modify however you want you don't have to rely on me
Very useful on a day to day basis. If you quickly want to convert minutes to seconds, millimetres to metres, etc
Install Python and Pip. For instructions, please check the Python Downloads website
To git clone of course!
It seems only on arch that there is a bug where you need to install a AUR package called
Also thank you to my good friend Jaami for pointing this out and helping out ConvertU
You guys are lucky. You guys have installers. Simply run
git clone
and then run
cd ConvertU-CLI
Now, you have to note what shell you're using. IF you know what shell you are using ignore this command but if you do not run this command
ps -p $$
it should print out the following...
now this is where the shell name is IF it prints this that means that you're on fish, don't worry about the error but it is telling you you're on fish shell so in that case use the fish install script!Once you have all of this noted, simply run
chmod +x install-[shell name].sh
and then
It will tell you when it is installed. Now that it is installed you can run
And that's it for MacOS/Linux
Go to the Releases Page Click on the text ConvertU-CLI-[version here]-Windows.exe And it should download a file in your Downloads folder. I'm sure if you've used windows before... you know the drill. Double click the file and it just worksI mentioned this on the discord but I think that I should mention it here. Running ConvertU on Windows is a bit dodgy, allow me to explain
Everyone's favourite operating system(not really lol) **Windows** seems to think ConvertU-CLI is a virus. Is ConvertU-CLI a virus? No, lol... I still don't really know why it flags it as such but it just does and if you really don't believe me I mean read the source code yourself. Anyways I don't really feel like typing out the instructions on how to get it working with the antivirus blockade but if you wanna know check my discord server which is below!! Thanks lol
Wanna be possibly involved in the project, wanna talk to me? Need to ask questions? Well the Discord Server is the right place for you
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