
This repository contains ONE-PIX hyperspectral measurements.

ONE-PIX measure

This repository houses measurement samples collected using the ONE-PIX kit. It features a variety of unconventional imaging techniques employed to build this comprehensive database. Each dataset can be easily loaded using the functions provided in the ONE-PIX repository.


Each ONE-PIX measurement contained in this repository is listed in the table below:

Classical HSPI folder

ONE-PIX principle

Measure name Scene description Use case Spatial resolution (pix²) Pattern basis RGB rendering
Ammonite_fossil Hypercube of an ammonite fossil Paleontology 101x101 Fourier split

ONE-PIX principle

Bonzai_NIR Hypercube of a bonsai acquired over a widened spectral range allowing the red edge to be seen Life science 61x61 Fourier split

ONE-PIX principle

Color_addition Hypercube of a sheet of A4 paper with a print of the additive synthesis rosette. Colorimetry,hyperspectral segmentation 31x31 Fourier split

ONE-PIX principle

Colored_squares Hypercube of colored squares printed on paper glued to a gray carpet Colorimetry,Hyperspectral segmentation 101x101 Fourier split

ONE-PIX principle

Squash_leaf Squash leaf maintained with green and blue bugs having areas of necrosis and chlorosis. Life science agronomy 101x101 Fourier split

ONE-PIX principle

HAS measure

Measure name Scene description Use case Segmentation method Clusters from RGB
Chlorophytum_comosum HAS measure of a spider plant (Chlorophytum_comosum) Life science agronomy Kmeans segmentation

ONE-PIX principle

Nicotiana_tabacum HAS measure of a tobacco plant (Nicotiana_tabacum) with a upper view and a sgementation of each leaves Life science agronomy Manual segmentation

ONE-PIX principle

The Black Island HAS measure of book cover of the famous Black Island adventure of Tintin by Hergé. Color analysis art analysis Kmeans segmentation

ONE-PIX principle

PMS sight HAS measurement of a red colored square target with changing PMS values Color analysis art analysis Labeleme segmentation

ONE-PIX principle

Spyrit :

Measure name Scene description Use case Spatial resolution (pix²) Pattern basis RGB rendering
Colored_squares (linear_reconstruction) Hypercube of colored squares printed on paper glued to a gray carpet with linear reconstruction Colorimetry,Hyperspectral segmentation 32x32 Walsh Hadamard split

ONE-PIX principle

Colored_squares (spyrit_reconstruction) Same measure than linear reconstruction but with CNN reconstruction deeplearning 64x64 Walsh Hadamard split acquisition and CNN reconstruction

ONE-PIX principle