
A super-clean IRC bot with sandboxed Ruby evaluation, repository watching, and link-logging to del.icio.us

Primary LanguageRubyAcademic Free License v3.0AFL-3.0


A super-clean IRC bot.

== License

Copyright 2007, 2008 Cloudburst, LLC. Licensed under the AFL 3. See the included LICENSE file. 

The public certificate for the gem is here[http://blog.evanweaver.com/files/evan_weaver-original-public_cert.pem]. 

If you use this software, please {make a donation}[http://blog.evanweaver.com/donate/], or {recommend Evan}[http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/7739-evan-weaver] at Working with Rails.

== Features

* <tt>irb</tt>-like interface
* safe, sandboxed Ruby environment
* svn and git-atom commit watching
* silent del.icio.us link saving
* tolerable channel fault recovery

Kirby is considered feature-locked. 

== Installation

  sudo gem install kirby

== Usage

To start a basic Kirby from the command line:

  cd working/directory
  kirby mynick mychannel myserver.org [delicious_user] [delicious_pass] [--options]
Logs and repository histories get saved to the working directory.

Available post-parameters are:
<tt>----daemon</tt>:: Daemonize.
<tt>----silent</tt>:: Never speak, even for errors.
<tt>----log</tt>:: Log channel chatter to a file.
<tt>----debug</tt>:: Debug mode.

See the Kirby class for in-channel commands.

== Crontab example

You can use a crontask to keep Kirby alive at all times. For example: 

  * * * * * bash -c 'cd /working/directory; kirby mynick mychannel irc.freenode.net \ 
  --daemon --log --silent &> /dev/null' 

== Reporting problems

The support forum is here[http://github.com/fauna/kirby/issues].

Patches and contributions are very welcome. Please note that contributors are required to assign copyright for their additions to Cloudburst, LLC.

== Further resources

* http://blog.evanweaver.com/articles/2007/01/04/kirby-spies-your-svn
* http://blog.evanweaver.com/articles/2007/01/06/kirby-gets-a-del-icio-us-account
* http://blog.evanweaver.com/articles/2007/01/02/a-ruby-eval-bot-for-irc-kirby