
  • 1. HTTP Client (browser) allows user enter URL and send request to HTTP Server. HTTP Server will send to
    HTTP Client the file requested. The file can be a simple file (txt file) (4 points)
  • 2. If the requested file is not found, Server response status code 404. (1 points)
  • 3. HTTP Client must have a simple GUI to show the content of file (2 points)
  • 4. Your grade is added +1/10 if your server program supports many clients simultaneously.
  • 5. Your HTTP system supports POST method, +1/10 will be added into your grade.
  • 6. Your HTTP system supports DELETE method, +1/10 will be added into your grade.
    Total points: 10/10

HTTP Project


This project is a basic web application that uses PostgreSQL for the database, Spring Boot for the backend, and a JavaScript framework for the frontend. Follow the steps below to set up and run the project on your local machine.


  • PostgreSQL
  • Java (JDK 8 or later)
  • Node.js and npm

Setup Instructions

1. Set Up PostgreSQL Database

  1. Install PostgreSQL if you haven't already.
  2. Open PostgreSQL and create a new database named data_jpa.

2. Clone the Project

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>

3. Configure the Application

  1. Open intellij File -> Project Structure -> Download JDK -> Version 17 -> Vendor: Amazone Corretto -> Download
  2. Open the application.yaml file located in the src/main/resources directory.
  3. Update the database configuration section with your PostgreSQL credentials.
  4. Update address to your ipv4
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/data_jpa
    username: postgres
    password: change_your_password_here
      ddl-auto: create-drop
    database: postgresql
    show-sql: true
    include-message: always
  address: 'change_your_ipv4_here'

4. Run the Backend Server

  1. Navigate to the backend directory and install mvn:
cd backend
mvn clean install
  1. Run the backend:
java -jar target/jpa-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

5. Change frontend ipv4

To allow multiple client to connect to the server, you have to adjust the ipv4 address according to your server

  1. FileDeleter.jsx
axios.delete(`http://localhost:8080/files/delete/${fileName}`) // change your ipv4 here
  1. FileSearch.jsx
axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/files/search/${fileName}`) //change your ipv4 here
  1. FileUploader.jsx'http://localhost:8080/files/upload', formData, { // change your ipv4 here
  1. vite.config.js
 server: {
   host: 'change_your_ipv4_here',
   port: 3000

6. Run the Frontend Server

  1. Open a new terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the frontend directory and install npm:
cd frontend
npm install
  1. Start the frontend development server:
npm run dev