
A demo application that shows a possible implementation of JWT-based authentication in a microservices architecture

Primary LanguageC#GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



Authmicro is a demo application showcasing a potential authentication and authorization solution across Microservices from a Domain-Driven Design standpoint.

The demo consist out of 3 separate services.

  • The Authentication API
  • The Administration API
  • The Forum API

Table of contents

How does it work?

Authmicro works by simulating a separate authentication service that is responsible for issuing tokens based on a user's credentials. Once a user has authenticated itself, the application is issued a token. This token can then be used to make calls to protected resources accordingly, providing the user has got the authorization to do so.

How to run

There are currently two ways of running the applications. Before choosing either path, make sure you either download or clone this Git repository

By default, the following host mappings are used:

Service Host Port
Authentication API localhost 5001
Administration API localhost 6001
Forum API localhost 7001

Using Docker

  1. Make sure you have Docker and docker-compose installed
  2. From the root folder of the Git repository, run docker-compose up -d
  3. That's it! Your services are now running as containers according to the previously described mappings

Using Visual Studio

  1. Open and build the solution in Visual Studio
  2. Start the desired project(s) in your desired configuration
  3. By default, the Kestrel profiles (Project name in Debug toolbar) point to the previously mentioned ports

Note If you choose to pick your own hostnames and ports, make sure your configuration across the solution is updated accordingly.


Authentication API


The cornerstone of this application is the Authentication API. This API is solely responsible for generating secure access tokens based on a user's credential. In other words, you can consume this API by giving it a username and a password. In return you'll receive an access token.

The access token that you receive is only valid for a limited period of time and is tailored specific to your user. You can only use this access token for the sources your user has the correct rights to.


There is one endpoint available. Use this to authenticate your user credentials and try to receive an access token:

URL: /users/authenticate

Method: POST

Request body All fields are required

"username":  "user.name",
"password":  "password",
"audience":  "desiredApiAccess"

Field information

Field Value
username This can be one of the users specified below
password The corresponding password
audience The audience can either be 'Administration' or 'Forum'. Depending on your selected user, you may not have access

Success response Your response will contain an access token for your specified user.

Condition: The combination of the username, password and audience is correct Code: 200 OK Content example:

"accessToken":  "eyJhbGciOiJIUzIj81NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJz67dWIiOiJqb2huLmRvZSIsImV4cCI6MTYxNjg2OTcwMywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6NTAwMSIsIm90nmF1ZCI6IkFkbWluaXN0cmF0aW9uIiwicm9sZXMiOls0iQWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciIsIlJlYWRlciJdfQ.ArM0TSTZNQFHqWpsOc_hb43Z67Sd0tZm90-0GTSFJT3K0L6c"

Error responses Condition: The combination of the username, password and audience is correct Code: 401 Unauthorized Content example:

"type":  "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-3.1",
"title":  "Unauthorized",
"status":  401,
"traceId":  "00-53ee12ec0180934687fbb21d6893193d-9410cfa4913c394c-00"

Condition: Something went wrong unexpectedly Code: 400 Bad Request Content example:

"type":  "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1",
"title":  "Bad Request",
"status":  400,
"traceId":  "00-a229a27be4dd7e4cbb4804bedd64052d-dae1fdfbece95941-00"

Administration API


The Administration API is a restricted API that can retrieve user data. In a real-life situation this could be an API giving administrators access to changing users, permissions or other sensitive data.


For the Administration API, there is one endpoint available. This endpoint allows you to query user data.

URL: /administration/users

Method: GET

Headers Authorization - Bearer xxxx

Success response The response contains user information

Condition: The specified access token contains the correct credential data Authentication required: Yes Code: 200 OK Content example:

      "name":"Leanne Graham",
      "phone":"1-770-736-8031 x56442",
         "street":"Kulas Light",
         "suite":"Apt. 556",
         "catchPhrase":"Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
         "bs":"harness real-time e-markets"
      "name":"Ervin Howell",
      "phone":"010-692-6593 x09125",
         "street":"Victor Plains",
         "suite":"Suite 879",
         "catchPhrase":"Proactive didactic contingency",
         "bs":"synergize scalable supply-chains"

Forum API


The Forum API is responsible for retrieving forum posts. These posts can be viewed by any authenticated user with a reader role. The reader role is default role, any registered user should have this role.


One endpoint is available. To retrieve forum posts. URL: /posts

Method: GET

Headers Authorization - Bearer xxxx

Success response The response contain forum posts

Condition: The specified access token contains the correct credential data Authentication required: Yes Code: 200 OK Content example:

      "title":"sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
      "body":"quia et suscipit\nsuscipit recusandae consequuntur expedita et cum\nreprehenderit molestiae ut ut quas totam\nnostrum rerum est autem sunt rem eveniet architecto"
      "title":"qui est esse",
      "body":"est rerum tempore vitae\nsequi sint nihil reprehenderit dolor beatae ea dolores neque\nfugiat blanditiis voluptate porro vel nihil molestiae ut reiciendis\nqui aperiam non debitis possimus qui neque nisi nulla"

Users and roles

In order to access the above mentioned endpoints and services, you'll need the required access. In order to simulate this, several (in-memory) users are available. An overview of the users and their roles follow.

Username Password Role(s) Authorized for
john.doe password Administrator, Reader Administration, Forum
jane.doe b3tt3rp4ssw0rd Reader Forum

In other words, only John Doe can access both the Administration API and Forum API. Jane Doe can only access the Forum API.

If a token is requested for a user and the request made doesn't correspond with the access restrictions, the user will not able to consume the API endpoint.

Contributing or ideas?

For all your issues, feature requests, bug reports, comments, questions and otherwise anything you'd like to mention, you can create a issue right here at Github!

Do you wish to contribute and improve this project? Please fork the Git repository and make a pull request! All input is welcome. :-)

Contact me

Would you like to get in touch with me? You can send me an e-mail at alex_schouls@live.com.