

Contain Yourself provides volunteers of DataKind Singapore a consistent enviroment when working on a project. By containerizing our tools we can:

  • be inclusive of volunteers who are running Windows/MacOS/Linux
  • be more productive by reducing frictions in working on different platforms
  • maintain reproducibility when sending containers with code to our partners as it's ready to run no matter what environment they're using.

What are containers (in the software sense)?

Containers are a virtual operating system that can run applications or processes the same way regardless of the actual host operating system. For example, somebody who has Windows installed on their laptop can:

  1. develop an application within a container
  2. pass that container to her project members
  3. run the application on their machines regardless of their operating system
  4. get the same results from running the application

We'll be using Docker containers. Docker images for different projects will be hosted in a repository. is a service that specializes in building and hosting Docker repositories.


... for Windows

Follow the setup instructions here:

Note: If your machine doesn't met the requirement for "Docker For Windows", try setting up "Docker Toolbox":

... for Linux

Follow the setup instructions for your flavor of Linux here:

... for MacOS

Follow the setup instructions here:

Or if you use Homebrew Cask,

$ brew cask install docker

Ensure that Docker is Running

Start running the Docker app. Check that it is running on the command line:

$ docker info
Containers: 3
 Running: 0
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 3
Images: 1
Server Version: 1.13.1

Using Docker for Python Notebooks

Getting a Python Jupyter Notebook Container Image

There are at least two ways of getting an image:

  • Pulling from a repository (such as
  • Loading from a file

Pulling from a repository

You can pull down the image with:

$ docker pull

Once that finishes downloading, you should see something like:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE   1.0.0              f01e49a5a922        3 days ago          2.61 GB

Loading from a file

This is an alternative method. Skip this if you already have pulled from a repository successfully. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the tar file (get this from a DK corelead) to your local directory (e.g. quay.io_SLASH_dksg_SLASH_python3-notebook_1.0.0.tar)
  2. In your local directory, run the following docker command:
docker load --input quay.io_SLASH_dksg_SLASH_python3-notebook_1.0.0.tar
  1. This will return a loaded image id.
  2. Tag the newly added image with the version from the filename by running the following:
docker tag <loaded image id>

Running a Jupyter Notebook from the pulled/loaded image

Take the IMAGE ID from previous step and start it up with this command:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /path/to/local/directory:/home/jovyan/work f01e49a5a922

Note: /path/to/local/directory should be replaced by an existing local directory in your laptop. This is where your notebooks (.ipynb) will be stored. e.g. docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /Users/johndoe/datadive:/home/jovyan/work

You will get instructions for link to paste into your browser address box. If you're using Docker Toolbox, you should use the custom IP address (default

Once the notebook is running, you may create a new notebook and try the samples in this tutorial:

Note: The following python script may be needed to run first in order to run the above tutorial samples:

import plotly
plotly.offline.init_notebook_mode() # run at the start of every ipython notebook

Using Docker for R Notebooks

Getting an R Jupyter Notebook Container Image

There are at least two ways of getting an image:

  • Pulling from a repository (such as
  • Loading from a file

Pulling from a repository

You can pull down the image with:

$ docker pull

Once that finishes downloading, you should see something like:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE   1.0.1              f01e49a5a922        3 days ago          2.61 GB

Loading from a file

This is an alternative method. Skip this if you already have pulled from a repository successfully. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the tar file (get this from a DK corelead) to your local directory (e.g. quay.io_SLASH_dksg_SLASH_r-notebook_1.0.1.tar)
  2. In your local directory, run the following docker command:
docker load --input quay.io_SLASH_dksg_SLASH_r-notebook_1.0.1.tar
  1. This will return a loaded image id.
  2. Tag the newly added image with the version from the filename by running the following:
docker tag <loaded image id>

Running a Jupyter Notebook from the pulled/loaded image

Take the IMAGE ID from previous step and start it up with this command:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /path/to/local/directory:/home/jovyan/work f01e49a5a922

Note: /path/to/local/directory should be replaced by an existing local directory in your laptop. This is where your notebooks (.ipynb) will be stored. e.g. docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /Users/johndoe/datadive:/home/jovyan/work

You will get instructions for link to paste into your browser address box. If you're using Docker Toolbox, you should use the custom IP address (default

Once the notebook is running, you may create a new notebook and try the following samples:

Using Docker for RStudio

Getting an RStudio Container Image

There are at least two ways of getting an image:

  • Pulling from a repository (such as
  • Loading from a file

Pulling from a repository

You can pull down the image with:

$ docker pull

Once that finishes downloading, you should see something like:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE              1.0.2               1c1e06209032        13 hours ago        1.166 GB

Loading from a file

This is an alternative method. Skip this if you already have pulled from a repository successfully. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the tar file (get this from a DK corelead) to your local directory (e.g. quay.io_SLASH_dksg_SLASH_ojoy-rstudio_1.0.2.tar)
  2. In your local directory, run the following docker command:
docker load --input quay.io_SLASH_dksg_SLASH_ojoy-rstudio_1.0.2.tar
  1. Once loaded, you should be able to see the new image when you run "docker images":
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE              1.0.2               1c1e06209032        13 hours ago        1.166 GB

Running RStudio from the pulled/loaded image

Start it up with this command:

docker run -p 8787:8787 -v /path/to/local/directory:/home/rstudio/foobar

Note: /path/to/local/directory should be replaced by an existing local directory in your laptop. This is where your data/scripts will be stored. e.g. docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -v /Users/johndoe/datadive:/home/rstudio/foobar

You should be able to access RStudio in the browser via http://localhost:8787. If you're using Docker Toolbox, you should use the custom IP address (default

Username: rstudio

Password: rstudio

Adding new libraries

If there's a python or R library that you need, you can install it in your container, but unless the library is persisted to the image, your scripts that use the library will not run on somebody else's machine. Each project will have a person assigned as a library curator and they will be able to include the library in the project's docker image. Workflow should be:

  1. You're puttering along when you realise that you want to add your favourite nlp library.
  2. You install it in your container, and try it out. It works great!
  3. Show it to your project's curator and convince them that it's a useful library. Their default mode is lazy and they will try to point you to an existing library. You show them the hot shiny feature the one you want has.
  4. The curator changes the requirements file in our docker file Github repo, Quay auto-magically builds a new image, and when people need to run your code, they need to use this new image.