
Getting Started

To run the ruby application follow the following simple steps

  • clone the repo to local computer.

  • git clone

  • From your terminal, navigate to project folder.

  • change to frontend by cd frontend

  • Run npm install or npm i to install all project dependencies

  • Checkout into new git branch, git checkout -b branch_name

To Note: Remember to name branches either with your name or the component you are working on e.g. if you are working on Landing Page you can name your branch landing_page_component

  • After doing your work stage all changes and commit your work.

  • To push your work, make sure you are on your created branch and not the dev branch then run git push -u origin branch_name

  • Visit the repository online and create a Pull Request from your current branch into dev branch.

  • Once done, leave it at that and our FE lead or any assistants will merge them in a controlled manner to avoid git merge conflicts that may occur.