
Demonstration Rust Semantics in K

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Demo Semantics

This is a semantics for a subset of Rust + and a subset of the MultiversX extensions that is easy to implement.

As an example, a lot of Rust features are not supported, or have limited support (e.g., structs, inheritance, modules, imports). Also, this semantics relies on top-level traits being annotated with #[multiversx_sc::contract], and allows calls to methods declared in these traits.


Building the semantics: make build

Running tests: make tests

Parsing a Rust file:

kast --definition .build/rust-kompiled my-file.rs --sort Crate

Preprocessing a Rust file:

krun \
		my-file.rs \
		--definition .build/rust-kompiled \
		--output kore \
		--output-file my-file.kore

MultiversX (MX) contracts

Everything in this section is, most likely, an oversimplification.

A MX contract is usually declared as a trait with a #[multiversx_sc::contract] attribute. The contract's endpoints are usually methods with a #[endpoint(endpointName)] attribute. A readonly endpoint has a #[view(viewName)] attribute instead. The contract's storage is declared by a method without body, with a #[storage_mapper("storage_name")] attribute and, perhaps, a #[view(viewName)] attributes. The names in these attributes do not have to be related to the names of the functions tagged with them.

From this trait, a few classes and methods will be generated at compilation time. Their purpose is to link the contract as declared by us with the MX infrastructure.


In the VM, the storage is a map from account to (map from bytes to bytes). However, in the rust code, the storage is declared as a function with arguments of variout types and an object return value. Let us take an example:

fn s_balances(&self, address1: &ManagedAddress, address2: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;

From this, a function that does roughly the following will be generated:

fn s_balances(&self, address1: &ManagedAddress, address2: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint> {
    let contract_address = self.address();
    let key =
        b"balances"  // The argument of the storage_mapper attribute
        + encode_as_bytes(address1)
        + encode_as_bytes(address2);
    SingleValueMapper<BigUint>(contract_address, key)

The SingleValueMapper object will then translate our set and get calls to hook calls for accessing the storage, encoding and decoding the Biguint values as needed.

A storage function may also have a view attribute that declares a readonly endpoint for accessing this storage:


I will not go onto details, but this will decalare a new function that is also a view (see below for more details), and it will work as intuitively expected.

Contract calls

A MX contract call consists of

  • The caller's address
  • The called contract's address
  • An endpoint name (as bytes)
  • Some (optional) token transfers
  • Encoded arguments

How transfers work and how the contract's code is being retrieved given its address is not important right now.

However, the important part is that, for each endpoint, the mx framework generates a function for gluing the call above with the actual function that we tagged with #[endpoint]. As an example, for this endpoint

fn transfer(&self, to: &ManagedAddress, value: BigUint) -> bool {

a function that does roughly the following will be declared:

fn transferEndpoint(&self, address:bytes, args:bytes) -> bytes {
    let to, value = decode(args);
    let contract = MyContract::new(address);
    let result = contract.transfer(to, value);

Views are endpoints that do not change the contract state. For our purposes, we can consider them as normal endpoints.


It is possible to make calls between contracts by providing the elements as mentioned above. However, it is fairly tedious to, e.g., encode arguments by hand, so the user has a few helper tools.

First, one can declare declare a proxy trait. This provides an interface through which we can call another contract. It looks similar to a contract trait, except that

  • It has a #[multiversx_sc::proxy] attribute
  • All methods are endpoints
  • No method has a body. Forsooth, one way of writing a proxy is to take a contract trait, remove all non-endpoint methods and replace all method bodies with ;.

There can't be two proxies or a proxy and a contract in the same module. They must be declared in different crates, or in different modules in the same crate.

From a proxy trait, a few things will be generated. In particular, for each endpoint, we will have a method that will encode its arguments to a contract call object and will also set the contract's address and the endpoint name. We are still responsible for adding transfers to the call object, decoding the call's result and other things.

Second, one can declare a proxy method. This will create a proxy for calling the contract given as argument, e.g.:

fn router_proxy(&self, sc_address: ManagedAddress) -> router_proxy::Proxy<Self::Api>;

Some early decisions

We could first expand macros (not available in stable Rust, available only as a nightly build feature), then handle the generated code. This requires us to handle more Rust features than the option below, which is the preferred version.

The other option is to leave the rust contract as a simple trait, and implement all missing parts in the semantics (e.g. have a special rule for storage function calls that encodes arguments and produces a storage access object).


In the Rust part of the semantics, we will handle a single crate, which is a file containing one contract (may also contain other items).

See this for a description of crates.


See this for a description of modules. However, we need to handle only a very restricted version.

We are trying to execute simple contracts, and most of them do not declare any modules. However, there are two of them that declare two MulitversX proxies which, as mentioned above, need their own modules (uniswap-v-2-router and unswap-v2-swap).

Note that, since we are not trying to compile Rust code, we just want to execute it, the only useful piece of information in the proxy is the mapping from the name of the function we call to the name of the endpoint. So here are a few options:

  1. Change the Rust examples to do contract calls manually, without proxies.
  2. Add modules to the semantics in a way that allows us to extract the endpoint name.
  3. Cheat and completely ignore modules, then transform proxy calls into contract calls by using function names instead of endpoint names.
  4. Have different versions of the contract for generating wasm code and for running with our semantics.
  5. In our semantics, dump everything declared in a module in the global namespace, and ignore path prefixes when resolving names.

We can probably implement 2 and 5 in a fairly easy way. If we have the time, 2 would probably be cleaner we index traits (and, perhaps, other items in a module) by something like (MaybeModuleName, TraitName), and we always use qualified names for traits that have them (there is probably no need to implement something more complex now).


See this for a general definition of constants.

We will only handle constants that have actual names (i.e. not _) and whose values are literals.


See this for a general definition of traits.

In traits, we will not handle type aliases and constant items. We will only handle functions/methods, and all such functions will have self as an argument.

Normally, traits are abstract interfaces that must be implemented. To keep things simple, we will use them as they are. Any unimplemented functions/methods are assumed to have a MultiversX-specific implementation and will be handled by the MultiversX part of the semantics.

This also means that we can't implement Self.

We will not handle generic traits, supertraits, or visibility .

Structs and implementations

We will not parse any struct declarations or implementations. Instead, for all objects that we need (e.g. SingleValueMappers) we will provide builtins defined in K, most likely in the MultiversX part of the semantics.

Other items at the top level

We will ignore: use declaratios, some attributes and macros.

We will not handle: extern crates, functions, type aliases, enumerations, unions, static items, external blocks.

Int literals and casts

Int literal type determination

We will not implement explicit casts. However, int literals with a default type are special in that they have some implicit casts determined by the context.

To implement that, we will follow the algorithm in the link above, converting everything to u128, then we will do a conversion on the spot if something else is required. This should mostly work, since we are relying on the Rust compiler to check that int types are properly used.

Other things not discussed elsewhere

We will not handle pattern function parameters (see FunctionParamPattern).


In order to be able to resolve methods and constants efficiently, we will preprocess the main rust file/crate to fill the following data structure:

    <constants> .Map </constants>  // Map from Identifier to Value:KResult
        <trait multiplicity="*" type=Map>
            <full-path> TypePath </full-path>
                <function multiplicity="*">
                    <name> Identifier </name>
                    <args> .List </args>  // list of identifiers
                    <definition> BlockExpressionOrSemicolon </definition>


  • Only one thread.
  • No async stuff.
  • Execution always starts with a call f(kresult-args) at the top of the instruction stack.
  • We will assume that there are some global constants of simple types (ints, strings), and all other objects are accessed through local variables.
  • Some of these variables may be mutable, and may be passed as mutable arguments to functions/methods. We should not do correctness checks so we will assume everything to be mutable.
  • We will also ignore borrowing and other similar stuff.
  • We will NOT ignore clone.
  • We will assume no variable shadowing (it is allowed, but the examples do not have it).
  • self a normal function argument when the function is being executed, which is being identified in a special way when the call is being made.
  • It's not fully clear whether we want to free memory when variables go out of scope. The easiest way to do this would be to add a reference count for each value, but it's not obvious that it's worth the effort. We will free all memory at the end of an endpoint's execution.

Then, our execution state should look something like this:

    <values> .Map </values>  // Map from ValueId:Int |-> Value
    <locals> .Map </locals>  // Map from Identifier |-> ValueId:Int
    <stack> .List </stack>  // list of locals map.

Various objects: Main contract

It's a struct containing the current contract address.

Various objects: SingleValueMapper

SingleValueMapper was discussed above, but, just to make it clear, it's a struct containing the storage key. The contract's address is not needed because it's the current callee, and the MultiversX part of the semantics should have that.

The get/set/set_if_not_empty calls should translate directly to MultiversX hook calls.

Various objects: BigUint

MultiversX's VM stores and handles BigUints. The Rust code only sees the IDs of those BigUint

It's a struct containing the Id of an Int object held in the MultiversX part of the semantics. All operations, constructors and casts translate directly into MultiversX hook calls.

Various objects: TokenIdentifier

It's a struct containing the ID of a Bytes string held by the MultiversX part of the semantics.

Various objects: others

This is probably not the full list of objects needed here. Most of the MultiversX ones should be defined here or in the Rust documentation.