
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

Project Schedule

Day Deliverable Status
Friday Project Description and planning Complete
Saturday Draft and structure of the Front-end Complete
Sunday Draft and structure of the Back-end Complete
Monday Creation Authentication Complete
Tuesday Connecting Back with Front Complete
Wednesday Styling and animations -
Thursday Finishing Touches -
Friday Finishing Touches -

Project Description

This project is a simple flash card creator that uses space repetition to aid in memorizing material


Upload images of wireframe to cloudinary and add the link here with a description of the specific wireframe. Do not include the actual image and have it render on the page.

MVP (examples)

  • Users can register and log in
  • Users can create categories for flashcards
  • Users can create flash cards
  • Using spaced repetition only the cards needed for that day will display


  • Animation of cards turning Success guesses and fail guesses
  • Animation of altitude of the card if it keeps getting correctly guessed

Functional Components


Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Hamburger H 1hr 1.5hr -hr


Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Project Hover L 3hr -hr -hr

Additional Libraries

Bootstrap without a doubt.

Code Snippet

console.log('Lets start it.')

Issues and Resolutions