
Used car marketplace RESTful API made in Java Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava


Used car marketplace RESTful API made in Java Spring Boot. Users can add their adverts with images and search for existing ones.

Tech stack

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • JWT
  • Hibernate
  • PostgreSQL
  • Swagger

How to add a new advert?

  1. Create a new account using /api/v1/auth/register endpoint.
  2. Retrieve your JWT token from /api/v1/auth/authenticate endpoint using your credentials from the previous step.
  3. Send your advert in a json format using /api/v1/adverts endpoint attaching your JWT token in the header.

How to add images to my advert?

Retrieve the advert ID from the advert POST request and use it to post a pictures of your car to /api/v1/imageCollections/{your_adverts_id}/images endpoint

How to delete images?

Send the image URL in a DELETE request to /api/v1/image-collections/{your_adverts_id}/images

How to update my advert?

Send a PUT request to this endpoint /api/v1/adverts/{your_adverts_id}

How to delete my advert?

Send a DELETE request to this endpoint /api/v1/adverts/{your_adverts_id}

How to retrieve adverts?

  • Without filtering (newest)
    Send a GET request to /api/v1/adverts with optional page and size parameters.

  • With filtering
    Send a GET request to /api/v1/adverts with optional parameters (and their dictionary GET endpoints):

    • make
    • model
    • bodyType
    • color
    • fuelType
    • transmissionType
    • drivetrainType
    • doors
    • seats
    • minYear
    • maxYear
    • minMileage
    • maxMileage
    • minEnginePower
    • maxEnginePower
    • minEngineCapacity
    • maxEngineCapacity
    • isDamaged
    • features
    • page
    • size

Following attributes and their dictionary endpoints:

Attribute Get endpoint
make /api/v1/car-references/makes
model /api/v1/car-references/{make_name}/models
bodyType /api/v1/car-references/body-types
color /api/v1/car-references/colors
fuelType /api/v1/car-references/fuel-types
transmissionType /api/v1/car-references/transmission-types
drivetrainType /api/v1/car-references/drivetrain-types
doors /api/v1/car-references/door-counts
seats /api/v1/car-references/seat-counts

To receive adverts images send a GET request /api/v1/image-collections/{advert_id}/images

Swagger url and example requests with responses location

Swagger url: /swagger-ui/index.html

Example request are located at /httpRequests
and their responses at /httpRequests/{requestType}/responses

Example GET adverts request with filtering

Example Filter Request


Example Filter Request Response

Database schema diagram

Database Diagram