
PiMasjid Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Laravel Jump Start

Takes out the boredom of boiler plating code and provides sensible defaults to jump start Laravel development:

##Pre-built Stuff

  1. User Management:
    • Login
    • Logout
    • Registration
    • Email confirmation
    • Forgot password
    • User Profile
    • User CRUD for administrator
    • Change password
    • Set password
  2. User's Organisation Unit: All users has one organisation unit. Each organisation units may have many children, and so forth using baum/baum nested set.
  3. Role based access control (RBAC). A user may have many roles. Each roles may have many permissions.
  4. Datatables-based CRUD generator via artisan generate:datatable command.
    • Generated models are self-validating and has fine-grained RBAC system.
    • Generated features handler for both ajax and non-ajax operations, validation and error notifications.
    • Generated Views features form fields and actions. It extends the way/generator package that generates full CRUD inclusive of:
      • List Page using Ajax Datatables (Support large datasets, pagination, searching, etc)
      • Record Details page
      • Create record page complete with form fields and validation
      • Edit record page complete with form fields and validation
      • Delete record
    • Generated Migrations features all table fields complete with timestamps
    • Generated Database Seeds provides a base to fill in:
      • Default values for seeding
      • Basic RBAC entries for the model
  5. Uploadable trait. When applied to a model, this enables upload for records of that model.
  6. Artisan app:reset command that does:
    1. Dumps autoload
    2. Clears cache
    3. Resets all migrations
    4. Runs database seeder
    5. Cleans uploads directory

##Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 5.4+
  • PHP Imagick, PHP Mcrypt
  • Redis (Cache, Queues)


  1. Create an empty directory and run composer create-project:

    composer create-project zulfajuniadi/laravel-base .
  2. Make sure you add your computer's hostname inside the bootstrap/start.php file like so:

    // L26
    $env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
      'local' => array('homestead', 'ZulfaJuniadis-MacbookPro.local'),

    You can get your computer's hostname by running hostname via the terminal or command prompt


##User Management

##CRUD Generator

artisan generate:datatable --fields="Todo:name:string, Done:is_done:boolean:default(0), User:user_id:integer, Project:project_id:integer" project_todos

##Uploadable Trait

The upload able trait enables upload for records of that model. No modifications needed on the database side to enable powerful uploads features.

  1. Add UploadableTrait to model:

    // File: models/leaves.php
    class Leaves extends Ardent {
      use UploadableTrait;
  2. To display the uploader form in your blade templates:

    {{ $leave->yieldUploader(2 /*max size in MB*/, 'image/*' /*file type*/, 5 /*max files*/) }}
    // where $leave is an instance of a Model that has the UploadableTrait

Other supported filetype arguments: image/*, application/pdf, .psd

  1. To display the uploads in your blade templates:

    {{ $leave->yieldUploadsTable() }}
    // where $leave is an instance of a Model that has the UploadableTrait
  2. To automatically generate thumbnails for your uploaded image add: protected $generate_image_thumbnails = true; into the model.


  1. Unit tests
  2. Reportable trait: Enable model records to be searched & grouped via columns and exported
  3. Graphable trait: Enable graphs and charts to be generated from the model records
  4. Support multi locale