
Parse Factorio recipe .lua files and get JSON output.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Factorio Recipes as JSON


Clone this repository and run

npm install

to install dependencies.


Usage: src/index.js [options]

  -d, --dir   the directory to parse recipes from, defaults to current working
              directory if omitted
  -h, --help  Show help                                                [boolean]

  src/index.js -d ../recipe/  parse the recipes in that folder

copyright 2016 pimastah@gmail.com https://github.com/PiMastah


Output currently goes to STDOUT.

If you require programmatic integration possibilities, fork this repository and send me a pull request or create a ticket describing your needs.

Sample output can be found here.


Tested with Factorio 0.13.15. Expect bugs when testing with mods. Currently, zip files are not supported. Create a ticket if you would like to have mod archives supported directly.

Please create a ticket if you encounter errors. Provide the file(s) you tried to parse. Provide your Factorio and mod version where applicable and/or attach mod archives to the ticket directly.

If errors cannot be reproduced, they most likely cannot be fixed.