This repository tracks the steps undertaken in order to provide an answer for the assignment provided by Sentia as part of their recruitment process.

The repository should be considered to represent the current state of design (wiki articles), planning (issues) and implementation (code) at any given point in time. Due to the open nature of the assignment I am going to prioritize

Design over Planning


Planning over Implementation.

My rationale for this decision is as follows:

  1. There are bigger challenges to solve earlier in the process and mistakes here are easier (and thus, cheaper and faster) to fix.
  2. In a real-world scenario, I would expect some form of feedback loop with a client or at least internal reviews / discussion, therefore I consider most, if not all of my deliverables to be in a "proposal" state.
  3. In a real-world scenario, Implementation should be an easier step, as earlier in the process, a number of decisions have already been made and most of the risks should be known and addressed in some way.
  4. By demonstrating the ability to design an adequate and coherent architecture and to define a road map for the identified milestones, a certain amount of experience with and understanding of IaC should hopefully be evident.

Where to start?

Start by heading to the wiki or take a look at the current issues or take a look at the kanban board.

Copyright © 2020 Jan Peters. All rights reserved. No duplication or use of any part allowed without prior written consent.