
Unable to get Pi4 to run off Pijuice.

cassius- opened this issue · 11 comments

I'm having a great deal of difficulty getting this PiJuice to power this Pi 4.

Pi Unit:
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core 64 Bit WiFi Bluetooth (4GB)

Raspberry OS:

Storage: 32GB micro usb
PiJuice Battery Model: BP7X


  • Made image on microusb

  • Powered Pi4 via usb-c on Pi4

  • Ssh pi@raspberrypi

  • sudo apt update

  • sudo apt upgrade

  • sudo apt-get install pijuice-gui

  • Sudo reboot

  • Ssh pi@raspberrypi

  • pijuice_cli

Looks as expected:

I remove usb c corded power and ~ 1 minute 15 seconds later the Pi 4 shuts down and ssh drops.
If I try no cord power and turn on the Pi 4 via SW1 button; the Pi 4 powers on for 10 seconds than crashes.

I've tried a couple different OS (32/64) and a fresh SD card.

Any advice?

If I Repowered via usbc corded power

sudo apt install xrdp

RDP in; yet no PiJuice Icon (lenny has been added to I2c and pijuice)

Service status seems to be ok:

I can see PiJuice Settings:

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you,

i suppose you have disabled Wayland and swirched to X11 and openbox via the Advanced settings in raspi-config.
Without this pijuice_gui does not work. It uses Tk which is not supported on Wayland (Wayland is the default on a bookworm installation in Pi4)
What are your settings on the System Events and System Task tabs?
Is your BP7X battery new? Or already used a few years?
The symptoms you describe smell like a bat battery at the end-of-life.

No, I did not! Thank you for pointing that out. I have now:


I tried to reboot after switching to X11; still no PiJuice
I tried removing PiJuice and reinstalling; still no PiJuice.

Battery and PiJuice are new (christmas present)

What are your settings on the System Events and System Task tabs?

Could you please advise how I can check that?

On your lenny screenshot below the line "Ï can see PiJuice Settings:" pijuice_gui is running.
The current install script only works on a 64-bit system.So the pijuice_gui screenshot must be made on a 64-bit system.
On thescreenshit you see the 'SYstem Task' and 'System Events' tabs.
Make screenshots after selecting each tab.

I understand, thank you

image image

I created another sd card using this OS so I wouldn't have the wayland issue:

Same issue: here is the "i2cdetect =y 1" print out, which I think is correct

What I understand about RDP is that evey time you connect you get your own desktop, not a mirror of the main X desktop. this might be why you do not get to see the PiJuice icon in the top-level menu-bar.
Since you are now using the legacy os, try to use the vnc server and a vnc client. RealVNC has a free window client (VNC Viewer) which works fine with the RealVNC server on the Pi. This is what I use, since mot of my Pis do not have a monitor.
The i2cdetect output is what I expect it to be.

RealVNC has much less hoops than the RDP route. Thanks.

I VNC'd into the Pi and was able to get the settings and status bar icon
This was the screen before I removed power:

After Power Removed:

The Pi Crashes ~3/4 mins later. Is there a pijuice log somewhere? Maybe it is the battery?
It is hard to see but the battery dropped from 68% to 63% in 4 minutes.

something is using power when on battery. Any USB peripherals?

@tvoverbeek Will there be an update to support Wayland on Bookworm?

Just to follow up on this.

I returned the PiJuice and received another one. The "new" PiJuice does not seem to properly power up when either the Pi or PiJuice are plugged into power. (No Leds are lit up and after the GUI is installed "Comuncation Error" is displayed).

Beware buying from Amazon, or I'm an idiot and messed up a step....do whatever you want. I'm a post not a cop.

Is there a preferred marketplace for PiJuices? I still want one.

@cassius- Sorry if it is a bit late. But I hope you were able to return your 2nd one or got it going.

Regarding why your pi shut off with the 1st one everytime: in your 2nd screenshot, the battery was showing 3.204v at 63% charge when unplugged. That is way to low: a good battery would have been fully drained to 0% (and the pi safely shut off) before it reached such a low voltage. So your battery was bad and a replacement would have fixed your problems.