SP1 precompile hash functions

This repo shows examples of generating a groth16 proof for sha256 and keccak hashing functions. The programs can be run without the precompile by removing the patches from the top level cargo.toml file.

Running the code

Enter one of the two directories

Build the program

cd program
cargo prove build

Run the script

cd script
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove

Optionally you can run the script on the prover network

cd script
SP1_PROVER=network SP1_PRIVATE_KEY=... RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove

Benchmark results

These tests were run on a local machine and the prover network. In these benchmarks a groth 16 proof was generated for a sha256 and keccak hash of a 10KB input.


Environment Precompile Cycles Gas E2E Time kHz Proof Size Link Time
Local Machine Without precompile 1369575 1692317 139.106343834s 9.85 10099927
Local Machine With precompile 245166 365676 48.886080699s 5.02 5655056
On prover network Without precompile Link 2 minutes 38 seconds
On prover network With precompile Link 2 minutes 48 seconds


Environment Precompile Cycles Gas E2E Time kHz Proof Size Link Time
Local Machine Without precompile 2070089 2435888 188.938836422s 10.96 12940745
Local Machine With precompile 825513 1041865 95.18422441s 8.67 9991603
On prover network Without precompile Link 2 minutes 40 seconds
On prover network With precompile Link 2 minutes 43 seconds


  • Cycles: The number of cycles is significantly reduced when using precompiles for both SHA256 and Keccak.
  • Gas: Gas consumption is also lower with precompiles.
  • e2e Time: The end-to-end time is higher for precompiles, likely due to the lower cycle rate.
  • kHz: The cycle rate (kHz) is lower for precompiles, this could be due to limitations of the machine and a machine with greater resources could leads to a lesser e2e time.
  • Proof Size: The proof size is smaller with precompiles for SHA256 but slightly larger for Keccak.

Local Machine System Information

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
  • CPU: 6 Cores - Intel Core i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • Memory: 8GB