
Primary LanguagePython

Car Dealership Project

Car Dealership

The Car Dealership project is designed to manage and showcase car inventory and salesperson data for a dealership. This README outlines the structure and components of the project, including design documents, database schema, API, and additional development features. The application is currently deployed via the Google Cloud Platform and can be viewed here.

Technologies Used

  • Python: For building the backend logic and REST API.
  • PostgreSQL: As the database management system to store and manage data.
  • Django: As the web framework for the REST API, utilizing Django's generic views for efficient development.
  • Docker: For containerization of the application.
  • pgAdmin: For database management and querying.
  • Google Cloud Platform: For deployment of the application.

Project Structure

The project directory includes the following components:

Initial Design

  • Postgres Database Schema(Models): Detailed schema of the PostgreSQL database.

    • Table Designs: Includes column names, data types ...etc.

    • Foreign Key References: Demonstrations of relationships: 1-to-Many, Many-to-1

  • Generated ER Diagram using pgAdmin

    • ER Diagram

API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Parameters Description
/cars/ GET Retrieves a list of all cars
/cars/<int:pk>/ GET pk Retrieves details of a specific car
/cars/new/ POST Adds a new car
/cars/<int:pk>/edit/ PUT, PATCH pk Updates a specific car's details
/cars/<int:pk>/delete/ DELETE pk Deletes a specific car
/cars/<int:car_id>/mark_not_sold/ POST car_id Marks a specific car as not sold
/salespeople/ GET Retrieves a list of all salespeople
/salespeople/<int:pk>/ GET pk Retrieves details of a specific salesperson
/salespeople/new/ POST Adds a new salesperson
/salespeople/<int:pk>/edit/ PUT, PATCH pk Updates a salesperson's details
/salespeople/<int:pk>/delete/ DELETE pk Removes a specific salesperson

Running the application locally

  1. This project assumes that you have Python and Docker installed on your machine. If not, you can download them from the following links:

  2. You will need to create a .env with the following environment variables:

    • DB_NAME=<your_db_name>
    • DB_USER=postgres
    • DB_PASSWORD=<your_password>
    • DB_HOST=
    • DB_PORT=5432
  3. Running the project locally:

# clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Pia007/car_app

# navigate to the project directory:
cd car_app

# create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv 

# activate the virtual environment:
. venv/scripts/activate

# navigate to app directory:
cd car_app

# install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

# make migrations:
python manage.py makemigrations

# run database migrations:
python manage.py migrate

# start the Django development server
python manage.py runserver 8000

# Optional - Running the project with Docker

# build the Docker image from the root directory:
docker build -t car_app_image .

# run the Docker container:
docker run -d --name car_app_container -p 8000:8000 car_app_image

# The application is now running on http://localhost:8000/


  • Flask -> Django: This project was initially started and the decision was made to convert to Django. This required a complete re-write of the application, including the database schema, API, and frontend. The task was challenging but also provided an opportunity to learn more about Django and its capabilities. Consulting the Django documentation was extremely helpful in this process.

  • Django Generic Views: Django's generic views were used to build the API. This required the use of classes to controll the logic of the views. The generic views come with a lot of functionality and required some research and experimentation to understand how to implement them.

  • Django Templates: Django templates were used to build the frontend. The concept template inheritancem, tags, and filters was much more complex than the Flask templating engine. In some cases, the templates were not rendering as expected and required some troubleshooting to resolve.

  • Deployment: The application was deployed using the Google Cloud Platform. The course content and the GCP documentation were helpful in this process. The application is currently deployed via the Google Cloud Platform and can be viewed here.

Further Development

  • Salesperson Performance Tracking : Tools to monitor and analyze salesperson performance metrics, aiding in the evaluation of sales strategies and employee productivity.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Capabilities for managing customer data, enhancing customer engagement and sales opportunities.
  • Real-Time Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting tools for real-time insights into inventory levels, sales trends, and market demands. API Integration: A robust API for seamless integration with external systems and