
Cards Api Demo

Primary LanguageGo


A sample project for job offer on Toggl


This projects uses:

  • github.com/go-playground/validator for validating requests
  • github.com/gofiber/fiber for listening and responding the requestes
  • github.com/google/uuid to create a unique deckId
  • github.com/joho/godotenv to load simple configuration from root/.env

Compiling and running

  • Go to the root of the project and in the terminal run the command go mod tidy
  • Configure the .env file, if you intend to test locally you should leave ADDRESS=localhost but if you intend to test in a server change localhost to the public ipv4 address of the server and make sure it has permission to listen to the specified port
  • That's all, if go is propperly installed just run go run main.go from the root directory

Postman Requests for testing

The easiest way of testing is using postman, use the link Postman collection

Create New Deck

Address: localhost:9000/create-new-deck

A post request to create a new deck and add it to the memory, body parameters:

    "cards": "AS,2S,3S",
    "shuffled": true
  • cards should be cardCodes separated by commas or an empty string to create a full size deck
  • shuffled is a boolean to indicate if the deck should or should not be shuffled

Draw Cards

Address: localhost:9000/draw-cards

A put request to draw cards from a specified deck, body parameters:

    "id": "{{deckId}}",
    "number": 2
  • id should be the id returned by the response when calling Create New Deck
  • number should be the number of cards to be drawn, if deck has insufficient cards it will return an error response.

Open Deck

Address: localhost:9000/open-deck/{{deckId}} A Get request should return a response with deck info or error if deckId is not found

Get all decks (EXTRA)

Address: localhost:9000/get-all-decks

For debugging purposes there's a method to list all decks

Remote Debugging

Feel free to use my personal EC instance for testing all the request, Follow the link to the postman collection pointing to it

Postman collection