
Feel free to take a look and test

Primary LanguageGo

Demo e-commerce Project

This is a demo e-commerce project it uses:

  • react as the frontend
  • go as the backend
  • postgres as the database
  • nginx for serving the react application


The frontend part is really basic, it only connects to the backend for the authentication part the products of the project are just hardcoded and the shopping cart is using redux-persistor to cache it


The backend handle the API calls from the frontend. It checks if the user is authenticated via http-only cookies, if not it marks as not authenticated and users can register or login to the page it uses CSRF on top of JWT to handle authentication, checks cookie validity and compares it to the CSRF token


Just the chosen database to store the user info, token, refresh-token, and csrf-token.


to deploy and test just go to the root directory of the project and run

docker-compose up