Kate Langwig
This repository contains the course documents for Quantitative Methods in Ecology and Evolution. The files you'll need are given week by week.
lecture: lectures/le1_intro_to_R.pptx
code: le_1_intro_to_R.R
old video:week_1_tues_lecture
lecture: ex1_intro_to_R.pptx
code: ex1_intro_to_R.R
old video: week_2_thus_lecture
- Write paragraph about your data
- Cleanup data
- Install Git and register for GitHub using https://happygitwithr.com/
- Read Tips for turning in assignments
lecture: le_2_managing_data
code: le2_data_manipulation.R
old video: week_2_tues_lecture
lecture: ex2_data_manipulation.pptx
code: use code from Tuesday for example
- Make sure that data is clean!
- Complete Week 2 assignment, make sure to turn in code from Week 1 too
lecture: le3_data_visualization
code: le3_data_visualization.R
old video: week_3_tues_lecture
lecture: ex3_data_manipulation.pptx
code: use code from Tuesday for example
old video: week_3_thursday_lecture
- Submit Week 3 assignment
- Reading and discussion for next Thurs
- Start thinking about those bad ggplot2s for the end of the semester!
lecture: le4_statistical_philosphy
code: code just to make examples in lecture - none assigned
old video: week_4_tues_lecture
- discussion on reading
- Full article list:
- Interesting optional articles to examine:
- Ensure you are caught up on assignments and data is clean!
lecture: le_5_tests.pptx
code: ex5_tests
old video: week_5_tues_lecture
code: ex5_tests
- Complete Week 5 assignment
lecture: le6_rev_distributions.pptx
code: ex6_rev_distributions.R
handout: Handout_Week6_Distributions
Problem set solutions; distribution fitting (no assignment)
lecture & solutions : ex6_solutions.pptx
code: ex6_rev_distributions.R / ex6_rev_solutions.R
(1) Week6_Distributions_Bolker_chap4A.pdf - quiz is on this
(3) Take quiz
Featuring Dr. Josef Uyeda on Phylogenetic Methods
old video: week_phylogenies
Use this time to:
(1) Make sure you have read Week6_Distributions_Bolker_chap4A.pdf
(2) Take the distributions quiz
(3) Catch up on other assigned reading
- None! Enjoy Spring Break.
lecture: le_7_linear_models
- Lecture will be recorded in advance. No in person class.
code: ex7_linear_models
pre-recorded video: week_6_tuesday_lecture
lecture: ex7_assignment
code: use code from Tuesday
- Work on part 1 of linear models assignment. Due date is in two weeks.
- Keep bad ggplot2 in mind here. Lots of potential this week!
lecture: le8_Linear_model_parameters
code: ex8_linear_model_parameters
video: advanced_linear_models
lecture: le8_Linear_model_parameters (last slide has assignment)
code: use code from Tuesday
video: mini_lecture_advanced_models
- Hand in linear models (part 1 & 2).
- Start thinking about final project
- Any bad ggplots2?
lecture: le10_glms.pptx
code: ex10_glms.R
datasets: bat_data.csv; lizards.csv
old video: week_10_tues_lec_glms
lecture: ex10_glm_assignment.pptx
code: use code from Tuesday
old video: week_10_thurs_lecture
- Work on glms - due date in 2 weeks.
- Start crafting analyses for final project
- Reading assignment next week
- Read General suggestions for writing statistical results
- Any bad ggplots2?
lecture: le111_model_selection.pptx
code: ex11_model_comparison.R
reading: Week11_Bolker et al ms information theoretic.pdf
old video: week_11_tues_model_comparison
lecture: le11_assignment.pptx
code: Use code from Tuesday
- Hand in 10 & 11 assignment.
- Work on project results section, outline text in all sections
- Vote on extended projects
- Any bad ggplots2?
lecture: le12_mixed_models.pptx
code: ex12_mixed_models.R
reading: Week12_Bolker 2008 TREE.pdf
old video: week12_tues_lecture_mixed_models
lecture: assignment at end of Tuesday lecture
code: use same as Tuesday for example
old video: week_12_thurs_lecture_mixed_models
- Hand in Week 12 assignment.
- Final project: Finish graphs and analyses and draft abstract
- Do you have final project questions for Kate? Share those with her next week!
- Any bad ggplots2?
Extended topics week!
- le13_advanced_models_combined.pptx
zero-inflated models
- ex_zero_inflated_models.R
power analyses
- ex_power_analyses.R
time-series models
- ex_time_series_models.R
non-linear models (mainly least squares examples)
- ex_nls_models
phylogenetic models using gls
- ex_phylogenetic_gls_models
- Project Assistance
- Finalize content for final project for peer review
- Reach out to Kate for feedback if needed
- le13_advanced_models_combined.pptx
- see previous week
- have assignment turned in for peer review!
- finalize peer review comments by Friday evening
- Integrate comments from peer review
- finalize draft
- Last chance for bad ggplots!
- Bad ggplots contest!
- You should have previously submitted some of your worst plots of the semester
- Bonus points and prizes will be awarded
- Hand in final project on Wed!