
Primary LanguagePython


1. Create your virtual environment and install the required packages

virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Training the agent

For documentation for the basketball environment, click here

Simple testing command

python run_agent.py --envname='scale_draw' --episodes=20000 --agent='sac' 

Agent selection

Agents to choose from: SAC (recommended), A2C, PPO (recommended when using raw images as input)

Arguments: --agent='sac', agent='a2c' or agent='ppo'

Saving the agent:

Add the lines --overwriting and --location='path' to save the trained agent in the savedagents/models/ folder.

python run_agent.py --envname='scale_draw' --episodes=50000 --overwriting --location='SAC_new_agent'

Box setup


  • --sides=1 (default): boxes can be placed anywhere on the scale by agent and from environment side when resetting the places
  • --sides=2: the environment chooses places for its boxes on the left side, the agent only is allowed to place his boxes on the right side


  • --random_densities: densities of boxes can have values between 4 and 6
  • else: all boxes have the same density (5.0)

Sizes of the boxes:

  • --random_boxsizes: the size of one box is randomized to a value between 0.8 and 1.2
  • else: all boxes have size 1.0

Number of boxes:

  • --actions=2: number of boxes that have to be placed by the agent (default: 1)
  • --placed=1: number of the boxes that have been placed randomly beforehand from the environment (default: 1)

Other arguments

  • Seed: set the seed of an environment individually by adding --seeding=1234 (default: 42)
  • If you somehow cannot install Xvfb (like on Mac), add the --disable_xvfb argument
  • Number of episodes: --episodes=50000 (default: 10000)
  • Steps between each print: --printevery=100 (default: 500)
  • Use pixels as observations instead of extracted values: --raw_pixels
  • Normalization of observations and actions: --normalize
  • Render the simulation: --rendering

Example setting

python run_agent.py --envname='scale_draw' --random_densities --random_boxsizes --episodes=25000 --overwriting --location="SAC_25000" --raw_pixels

3. Testing the agent

  • important: use the same box settings (number of boxes, number of actions, ...) and the same location from the training before
  • then, run the command by adding the argument --test
  • also state how much episodes you want to test the agent (by default: --episodes=10000)
python run_agent.py --envname='scale_draw' --random_densities --random_boxsizes --episodes=1000 --location="SAC_25000" --raw_pixels --test

4. Extracting data from the (pre-trained) agent

  • first, make sure you have an agent saved, from which we want to extract data including box positions at the end and the sizes and densities of the boxes
  • to extract these information, run something like this
python DataExtraction/extract_data.py --envname="scale_draw" --random_densities --random_boxsizes --episodes=1000 --location="SAC_25000" --path="result25000"
  • important here is, that we still use the same flags as before when we trained this agent (e.g. use --random_densities and --random_boxsizes)

The files will be saved in the savedagents/results/ folder as a csv file, which we can name with the --path flag (e.g. --path="result2500") ...

5. Run symbolic regression on the extracted data and fit a function to it

Once we ran the extract_data.py file, we have a CSV file in the savedagents/results/ folder with following structure:

Position 1 Position 2 Density 1 Density 2 Box Size 1 Box Size 2
0 0.30554572 -0.3609829 4.2378 4.926749 1.135487 1.0633456
1 0.57666147 -0.26535797 4.6346793 4.3976474 0.8974464 1.1024169

==NOTE:== for now, it only works with two boxes, which mean that we can only use or default setting with one box placed by the agent and one placed randomly before on the scale.

(todo: explain how to use the symbolic regression files)