
A Material-UI file upload dropzone

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Material-UI-dropzone is a React component using Material-UI and is based on the excellent react-dropzone library.

This components provide either a file-upload dropzone or a file-upload dropzone inside of a dialog. The file-upload dropzone features some snazzy "File Allowed/Not Allowed" effects, previews and alerts.


npm install --save material-ui-dropzone


This is the component:

When you drag a file onto the dropzone, you get a neat effect:

And if you drop in a wrong type of file, you'll get yelled at:

DropzoneArea Component

This components creates the dropzone, previews and snackbar notifications without a dialog


import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {DropzoneArea} from 'material-ui-dropzone'

class DropzoneAreaExample extends Component{
    this.state = {
      files: []
      files: files
    return (

export default DropzoneAreaExample;

DropzoneArea Component Properties

Name Type Default Description
acceptedFiles Array ['image/*', 'video/*', 'application/*'] A list of file mime types to accept. Does support wildcards.
filesLimit Number 3 Maximum number of files that can be loaded into the dropzone
maxFileSize Number 3000000 Maximum file size (in bytes) that the dropzone will accept
dropzoneText String 'Drag and drop an image file here or click' Text in dropzone
showPreviews Boolean false Shows previews BELOW the Dropzone
showPreviewsInDropzone Boolean true Shows preview INSIDE the dropzone
showAlerts Boolean true shows styled snackbar alerts when files are dropped, deleted or rejected.
dropZoneClass String null Custom CSS class name for dropzone container.
dropzoneParagraphClass String null Custom CSS class name for text inside the container.
showFileNamesInPreview Boolean false Shows file name under the image

DropzoneArea Component Events

Name Return Params Description
onChange files(array) Fired when the user drops files into dropzone or deletes a file. Returns all the files currently loaded into the dropzone.
onDrop files(array) Fired when the user drops files into the dropzone. Returns the files dropped
onDropRejected files(array) Fired when a file is rejected because of wrong file type, size or goes beyond the filesLimit. Returns the files that were rejected
onDelete file Fired when a file is deleted from the previews panel.

DropzoneDialog Component

This component provides the dropzone inside of a dialog.


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {DropzoneDialog} from 'material-ui-dropzone'
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';

export default class DropzoneDialogExample extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            open: false,
            files: []

    handleClose() {
            open: false

    handleSave(files) {
        //Saving files to state for further use and closing Modal.
            files: files, 
            open: false

    handleOpen() {
            open: true,

    render() {
        return (
                <Button onClick={this.handleOpen.bind(this)}>
                  Add Image
                    acceptedFiles={['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp']}

DropzoneDialog Component Properties

Name Type Default Description
open Boolean false Required. Sets whether the dialog is open or closed
acceptedFiles Array ['image/*', 'video/*', 'application/*'] A list of file mime types to accept. Does support wildcards.
filesLimit Number 3 Maximum number of files that can be loaded into the dropzone
maxFileSize Number 3000000 Maximum file size (in bytes) that the dropzone will accept
showPreviews Boolean false Shows previews BELOW the Dropzone
showPreviewsInDropzone Boolean true Shows preview INSIDE the dropzone
showAlerts Boolean true shows styled snackbar alerts when files are dropped, deleted or

DropzoneDialog Component Events

Name Return Params Description
onSave files(array) Fired when the user clicks the Submit button.
onClose event Fired when the modal is closed
onChange files(array) Fired when the user drops files into dropzone OR deletes a file. Returns all the files currently loaded into the dropzone.
onDrop files(array) Fired when the user drops files into the dropzone. Returns the files dropped
onDropRejected files(array) Fired when a file is rejected because of wrong file type, size or goes beyond the filesLimit. Returns the files that were rejected
onDelete file Fired when a file is deleted from the previews panel.
