PickingUpPieces's Following
- 0liComGoethe-University Frankfurt
- ackxolotlChair for Database Systems, TUM
- angrymeirfortiss
- ankoh@salesforce
- badeaffeMunich, Germany
- benstrobelTechnical University of Munich
- boi4
- cwoebker@rembergtech
- D-04TU Munich
- dabchTechnische Universität München
- eichstepJoby Aviation
- ignacio-gnMunich, Germany
- jpbernius@Siemens AG — @Industrial-Edge
- kgilmerRegolith Linux
- Linuzifer
- martin-finkTechnical University of Munich
- Mtze@ls1intum
- n-kruegerMunich, Germany
- nielstronETH Zurich
- NikolaiMadlenerStanford Mussallem Center for Biodesign
- paulhdk
- ppommer@dynamical-inference @ki-macht-schule
- rasaford@recogni
- richardpfannenstielTechnical University Munich
- robertjndwMunich
- rudxdeMunich
- sanshaMunich
- stovemeerkat
- ValiHaradesso SE
- voidcGermany