
An interpretable deep-learning architecture of capsule networks for identifying cellular-type gene expression programs from single-cell RNA-seq data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

An interpretable deep-learning architecture of capsule networks for identifying cellular-type gene expression programs from single-cell RNA-seq data

This repository contains the official Keras implementation of:

An interpretable deep-learning architecture of capsule networks for identifying cellular-type gene expression programs from single-cell RNA-seq data


  • Python 3.6
  • conda 4.4.10
  • keras 2.2.4
  • tensorflow 1.11.0
  • establish the environment through code "conda create -n sccaps python=3.6 keras=2.2.4 tensorflow=1.11.0"

1. Model training

To unzip the PBMC_data.rar into dictionary 'data' then run:

  • About this article
#- default:
python Model_Training.py

#'--inputdata', type=str, default='data/PBMC_data.npy', help='address for input data')
#'--inputcelltype', type=str, default='data/PBMC_celltype.npy', help='address for celltype label')
#'--num_classes', type=int, default=8, help='number of cell type')
#'--randoms', type=int, default=30, help='random number to split dataset')

#- with augments
python Model_Training.py --randoms 20

  • Further Explore
#- default:
python FE_Model_Training.py

#'--inputdata', type=str, default='data/PBMC_data.npy', help='address for input data'
#'--inputcelltype', type=str, default='data/PBMC_celltype.npy', help='address for celltype label'
#'--num_classes', type=int, default=8, help='number of cell type'
#'--randoms', type=int, default=30, help='random number to split dataset into training and testing set'
#'--dim_capsule', type=int, default=16, help='dimension of the capsule'
#'--num_capsule', type=int, default=16, help='number of the primary capsule'
#'--batch_size', type=int, default=400, help='training parameters batch_size'
#'--epochs', type=int, default=10, help='training parameters epochs'
#'--Model_weights', type=str, default='Modelweight.weights', help='Model_weight'

#- with augments
python FE_Model_Training --randoms 20 --dim_capsule 32

2. Model analysis

  • Demo -- About this article

The following documents (Jupyter Notebook) contain the codes for reproducing Figure in the main text.


In case you don't comfortable with Jupyter Notebook, you could copy the following file from the dictionary 'old_files' into current dictionary then run:

python Fig1CD_Fig2DE_Fig3.py
python Fig2BC.py
python Fig4.py
python Fig5D.py
  • Further Explore
#- 1. heatmap for coupling coefficients, relationship between primary capsule and type capsule

python FE_Model_analysis_1.py

#'--inputdata', type=str, default='data/PBMC_data.npy', help='address for input data'
#'--inputcelltype', type=str, default='data/PBMC_celltype.npy', help='address for celltype label'
#'--num_classes', type=int, default=8, help='number of cell type'
#'--randoms', type=int, default=30, help='random number to split dataset'
#'--dim_capsule', type=int, default=16, help='dimension of the capsule'
#'--num_capsule', type=int, default=16, help='number of the primary capsule'
#'--weights', type=str, default='Modelweight.weights', help='trained weights'


#- 2. select genes along one principle component for a specific primary capsule according to the heatmap

python FE_Model_analysis_2.py

#'--inputdata', type=str, default='data/PBMC_data.npy', help='address for input data'
#'--inputcelltype', type=str, default='data/PBMC_celltype.npy', help='address for celltype label'
#'--num_classes', type=int, default=8, help='number of cell type'
#'--randoms', type=int, default=30, help='random number to split dataset'
#'--dim_capsule', type=int, default=16, help='dimension of the capsule'
#'--num_capsule', type=int, default=16, help='number of the primary capsule'
#'--weights', type=str, default='Modelweight.weights', help='trained weights'
#'--PC', type=int, default=1, help='indicate which principle component will be analyzed '
#'--Primary_capsule', type=int, default=4, help='indicate which primary capsule will be analyzed'
#'--Cell_type', type=int, default=-1, help='indicate which cell type will be analyzed'


3. Comparison Model

cd comparison_model
python Machine_Learning.py
  • Neural Networks
cd comparison_model
python Neural_Networks.py

capsule networks implementation

the capsule parts refer to https://github.com/bojone/Capsule and https://kexue.fm/archives/5112