Error Prone extensions: extra bug checkers and a large battery of Refaster rules.
- 1
BugChecker for effectively unused `PublisherProbe`s
#421 opened by werli - 1
Expand `StringRules` to cover `CharSequence` as well
#1394 opened by timtebeek - 4
Canonical SLF4J Logger usage
#632 opened by rickie - 8
Canonical constant naming
#396 opened by rickie - 2
ErrorProne 2.30.0 compatibility
#1278 opened by ben-manes - 3
AssertJ Refaster rules for `Iterator#hasNext()`
#1088 opened by knutwannheden - 0
Rewrite `ImmutableMap.Builder#build` to `buildOrThrow`
#1223 opened by EnricSala - 2
workshop branch; Could not find artifact error-prone-support:pom:0.14.1-SNAPSHOT
#1124 opened by tubbynl - 2
Wrong improvement message trailing comma in `CanonicalAnnotationSyntax` rule
#1114 opened by dirkvbok - 3
- 2
- 7
- 9
Document how to apply Refaster suggestions
#598 opened by lukelukes - 7
- 3
- 0
CollectorMutability: Suggest immutable Guava alternative
#954 opened by rickie - 4
convert import xxx.*; to single imports
#893 opened by Jiehong - 1
- 0
BugChecker for Reactor imposter methods
#884 opened by werli - 0
- 6
False positives for Lombok's @Data annotation
#557 opened by ksiczek - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
Rewrite `collection.stream().forEach(consumer)` to `collection.forEach(consumer)`
#387 opened by Stephan202 - 6
- 1
- 5
- 3
- 4
Rewrite `requireNonNullElse(map.get(k), defaultValue)` -> `map.getOrDefault(k, defaultValue)`
#431 opened by rickie - 3
- 0
- 6
- 5
- 3
- 3
Document how to write custom Refaster rules
#640 opened by mikybars - 6
NullPointerException thrown for BugPattern ScheduledTransactionTrace when using error-prone-support on jbanking
#626 opened by marcwrobel - 0
Sort member variables, constructors, and methods
#595 opened by rickie - 6
- 3
- 6
Prefer `BugCheckerRefactoringTestHelper#doTest(TestMode.TEXT_MATCH)` over alternatives
#389 opened by rickie - 0
Introduce a Maven flag or configuration option to apply suggestions automatically
#484 opened by ferdinand-swoboda - 3
Introduce BugPattern for removing duplicate `Mockito.verifyNoInteractions()` calls
#475 opened by Kamil-Gabaydullin - 6
- 0
- 1
Rewrite `buildDescription(tree).addFix(fix).build()` to `describeMatch(tree, fix)`
#369 opened by rickie - 4
False positive against Sentry-Trace
#315 opened by TomBeckett - 4
Make it easy to disable Immutable***Rules
#313 opened by atkawa7