The GetStartedDemo includes the indoor and outdoor scenes. You can experience the following in the demo: changing your view, locomotion, teleportation, and switching between the indoor and outdoor scenes.

Development environment

  • SDK version: 2.3.0
  • PICO device's system version: 5.7.0
  • Unity version: 2020.3.48
  • Graphics API: OpenGLES3
  • App structure: 64-bit

Use the demo

  • Change your view: Push the thumbsticks on the controllers to the left and right.
  • Continuous locomotion: Push the thumbsticks on the controllers up and down.
  • Teleportation: Aim at the target place and press the Grip button on the left controller. Switch between scenes: Press the Y button on the left controller.

Learn more

For more information about the demo, refer to this article.