
Uses the magic bytes of files to determine their true nature, a execute commands accordingly

Primary LanguagePython

Forensic File Handler

Forensic File Handler is a tool that uses the magic bytes in files to determine the true type of a file, and execute commands accordingly. It is made to be compatible with both python 2.7 and 3, on both Windows and Linux systems.

This download contains:

  • ffh.py the script itself
  • ffh.txt the file that contains the commands to execute when an ident is detected (more on idents later). This file contains examples
  • README.md this file


You can specify your commands of choice in ffo.txt (or pass a rules file by appending -c <rule file>). The rules in the file need to have the following format: <ident>:<command>.

the command can contain following parameters, which will be parsed by the script, and be replaced with their value:

  • %name% the name of the file
  • %path% the full path of the file
  • %ident% the ident that was recognized
  • %magic% the magic of the file

You can extend or override the default magics by appending -m <magic file> to the command. --override will temporarily drop the current magics list and only use the magics from the specified file. The magics in the file need to have following format: <magic>:<ident>.

As this script is meant to be used for forensic cases, and if you store malware safely, you can insert it into an encrypted zip, the program will try to open zip files and read its content. If it detects a zip file with multiple files, or encrypted with an unknown password, it will analyze the zip file itself. If the zip file only contains one file, or is encrypted with the password infected, it will analyze the first file from the zip. If the password is not infected, you can add append -p <password> to the script.

note: It is not an issue if the command contains colons. The ident, however, cannot contain colons. note: If you want to change the default rules file, you can change the variable CONFIGFILE in the script note: If you want to change the default password, you can change the variable ZIPPASSWORD in the script


This software is licensed under the "Original BSD License".

(c) 2015  Pieter-Jan Moreels  https://github.com/pidgeyl

Currently supported magics with their ident

note: If you want to parse two magics with the same ident in a different way, you can change the pairs in the variable magics in ffh.py

Magic                                                                   - ASCII                    - Ident - Extension
00 00 00 14 66 74 79 70 71 74 20 20                                     - ....ftypqt                 - MOV   - mov
00 00 00 14 66 74 79 70 69 73 6F 6D                                     - ....ftypisom               - MP4   - mp4
00 00 00 18 66 74 79 70 33 67 70 35                                     - ....ftyp3gp5               - MP4   - mp4
00 00 00 1C 66 74 79 70 4D 53 4E 56 01 29 00 46 4D 53 4E 56 6D 70 34 32 - ....ftypMSNV.).FMSNVmp42   - MP4   - mp4
00 00 01 00                                                             - ....                       - ICO   - ico
00 00 01 BA                                                             - ....                       - MPG   - mpg, vob
00 00 01 Bx                                                             - ....                       - MPG   - mpeg, mpg
00 00 00 xx 66 74 79 70 33 67 70                                        - ....ftyp3gp                - 3GP   - 3gg,3gp,3g2
00 00 00 xx 66 74 79 70 33 67 70 35                                     - ....ftyp3gp5               - MP4   - mp4
1A 45 DF A3                                                             - .E..                       - WEBM  - webm
1F 8B 08 00                                                             - ....                       - TAR   - tar
1F 8B 08 08                                                             - ....                       - GZ    - gz
1F 9D                                                                   - ..                         - TAR   - z, tar.z
1F 9D 90 70                                                             - ....                       - TGZ   - tgz
1F A0                                                                   - ..                         - TAR   - z, tar.z
25 50 44 46                                                             - %PDF                       - PDF   - pdf
30 26 B2 75                                                             - ....                       - WMV   - wmv
37 7A BC AF 27 1C                                                       - 7z..'.                     - 7ZIP  - 7z
42 4D                                                                   - BM                         - BMP   - bmp
42 4D 62 25                                                             - BMp%                       - BMP   - bmp
42 4D 76 03                                                             - BMv.                       - BMP   - bmp
42 4D F8 A9                                                             - BM..                       - BMP   - bmp
43 44 30 30 31                                                          - CD001                      - ISO   - iso
43 57 53                                                                - CWS                        - SWF   - swf
46 4C 56 01                                                             - FLV.                       - FLV   - flv
46 57 53                                                                - FWS                        - SWF   - swf
47 49 46 38 37 61                                                       - GIF87a                     - GIF   - gif
47 49 46 38 39 61                                                       - GIF89a                     - GIF   - gif
49 44 33                                                                - ID3                        - MP3   - mp3
49 44 33 03                                                             - ID3.                       - MP3   - mp3
49 44 33 2E                                                             - ID3.                       - MP3   - mp3
49 49 2A 00                                                             - II*.                       - TIFF  - tif, tiff
4D 4D 00 2A                                                             - MM.*                       - TIFF  - tif, tiff
4D 54 68 64                                                             - MThd                       - MIDI  - mid, midi
4D 5A                                                                   - MZ                         - EXE   - exe
4D 5A 90 00                                                             - MZ..                       - DLL   - exe, dll
4D 5A 50 00                                                             - MZP.                       - EXE   - exe
4E 45 53 1A                                                             - NES.                       - NES   - nes
4F 67 67 53                                                             - OggS                       - OGG   - ogg, oga, ogv
50 4B 03 04                                                             - PK..                       - ZIP   - zip
50 4B 03 04 14 00 06 00                                                 - PK......                   - OLE   - docx, pptx, xlsx
50 4B 03 04 14 00 08 00 08 00                                           - PK........                 - JAR   - jar
50 4B 03 04 0A 00 02 00                                                 - PK......                   - EPUB  - epub
50 4D 4F 43 43 4D 4F 43                                                 - PMOCCMOC                   - DAT   - dat
52 49 46 46 xx xx xx xx 41 56 49 20 4C 49 53 54                         - RIFF....AVI LIST           - AVI   - avi
52 49 46 46 xx xx xx xx 57 41 56 45                                     - RIFF....WAVE               - WAV   - wav
52 49 46 46 xx xx xx xx 57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20                         - RIFF....WAVEfmt            - WAV   - wav
52 61 72 21 1A 07 00                                                    - Rar!...                    - RAR   - rar
52 61 72 21 1A 07 01 00                                                 - Rar!....                   - RAR   - rar
5A 57 53                                                                - ZWS                        - SWF   - swf
5F 27 A8 89                                                             - _'..                       - JAR   - jar
66 4C 61 43                                                             - fLaC                       - FLAC  - flac
66 4C 61 43 00 00 00 22                                                 - fLaC..."                   - FLAC  - flac
75 73 74 61 72 00 30 30                                                 - ustar.00                   - TAR   - tar
75 73 74 61 72 20 20 00                                                 - ustar  .                   - TAR   - tar
7E 74 2C 01                                                             - ~t,.                       - IMG   - img
89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A                                                 - .PNG....                   - PNG   - png
CA FE BA BE                                                             - ....                       - CLASS - class
D0 CF 11 E0                                                             - ....                       - OLE   - doc, xls, ppt
D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1                                                 - ........                   - OLE   - doc, xls, ppt
ED AB EE DB                                                             - ....                       - RPM   - rpm
FF                                                                      - .                          - SYS   - sys
FF 4B 45 59 42 20 20 20                                                 - .KEYB                      - SYS   - sys
FF D8 FF E0                                                             - ....                       - JPG   - jpg, jpeg
FF D8 FF E0 xx xx 4A 46 49 46 00                                        - ......JFIF.                - JPG   - jfif, jpe, jpeg, jpg
FF D8 FF E1 xx xx 45 78 69 66 00                                        - ......Exif.                - JPG   - jpg
FF D8 FF E8 xx xx 53 50 49 46 46 00                                     - ......SPIFF.               - JPG   - jpg
FF Ex                                                                   - ..                         - MP3   - mpeg, mpg, mp3
FF FB                                                                   - ..                         - MP3   - mp3
FF Fx                                                                   - ..                         - MP3   - mpeg, mpg, mp3
FF FF FF FF                                                             - ....                       - SYS   - sys
[4 bytes] 66 74 79 70 33 67 70 35                                       - [4 bytes]ftyp3gp5          - MP4   - mp4
[4 bytes] 66 74 79 70 4D 34 41 20                                       - [4 bytes]ftypM4A           - M4A   - m4a
[4 bytes] 66 74 79 70 4D 53 4E 56                                       - [4 bytes]ftypMSNV          - MP4   - mp4
[4 bytes] 66 74 79 70 69 73 6F 6D                                       - [4 bytes]ftypisom          - MP4   - mp4
[4 bytes] 66 74 79 70 6D 70 34 32                                       - [4 byte]sftypmp42          - M4A   - m4a
[4 bytes] 66 74 79 70 71 74 20 20                                       - [4 bytes]ftypqt            - MOV   - mov
[4 bytes] 6D 6F 6F 76                                                   - [4 bytes]moov              - MOV   - mov
[30 bytes] 50 4B 4C 49 54 45                                            - [30 bytes]PKLITE           - ZIP   - zip
[512 bytes] 00 6E 1E F0                                                 - [512 bytes].n..            - PPT   - ppt
[512 bytes] 09 08 10 00 00 06 05 00                                     - [512 bytes]........        - XLS   - xls
[512 bytes] 0F 00 E8 03                                                 - [512 bytes]....            - PPT   - ppt
[512 bytes] A0 46 1D F0                                                 - [512 bytes].F..            - PPT   - ppt
[512 bytes] EC A5 C1 00                                                 - [512 bytes]....            - DOC   - doc
[512 byte] FD FF FF FF xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 04 00 00 00              - [512 byte]................ - DB    - db
[29152 bytes] 57 69 6E 5A 69 70                                         - [29152 bytes]WinZip        - ZIP   - zip