
An Epicodus Reddit clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Eppit, and Epicodus Reddit Clone

By: Patrick Kille, Patrick Delaney, Brandan Sayarath, Geoff Goetz | April 28th 2020


It's basically Reddit.

Application based around utilizing component trees, state, redux, and CRUD functionality in React. Deployed on GitHub pages

Component Diagram

component structure

Project Specifications

As a user, I want to enter content into a form and submit to create a new post. As a user, I want my new posts to include a timestamp. And I want to see when other listings were posted, too. As a user, I want to upvote posts I particularly enjoy. As a user, I want to downvote posts I don't like, or find inappropriate. As a user, I'd like posts with the most upvotes to appear higher on the page.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • navigate to your desktop directory using your terminal: cd desktop.
  • clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/.
  • open the proejct directory in your code editor : cd TapRoom, code .
  • install all neccessary packages needed to run the program: npm install.
  • run the program to open in your local server: npm run start.

React Specifications - - -

Node install

For macOS:

If Homebrew is not installed on your computer already, then install Homebrew by entering the following two commands in Terminal:

Install Git with the following command:

  • $ brew install git

Next, install Node.js by entering the following command in Terminal:

  • $ brew install node
For Windows:

Please visit the Node.js website for installation instructions.

Install this application

Clone this repository via Terminal using the following commands:

  • $ cd desktop
  • $ git clone {url to this repo}
  • $ cd farmers-market Then, confirm that you have navigated to the farmers-market project directory by entering "pwd" in Terminal.

Next, install npm at the project's root directory via the following commands:

  • $ npm install
  • $ npm run build

Open the contents of the directory in a text editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., to open the contents of the directory in Visual Studio Code on macOS, enter the command "code ." in Terminal).

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Webpack
  • npm
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • React
  • Redux



Copyright © 2020 Geoff Goetz, Patrick Delaney, Patrick Kille, Brandan Sayarath

Co-authored-by: Brandan Sayarath brandan@brandan.tech Co-authored-by: Patrick Delaney prestwick97@gmail.com Co-authored-by: Geoff Goetz 59552871+Pieharder@users.noreply.github.com hi patrick