Haiku Checker

A program to confirm Haiku format. 6th February 2020

By Jieun Kang & Geoff Goetz


This is a program that will accept user input(Haiku) and calculates if their are the correct number of lines and correct syllable count per line. DISCLAIMER: most of the code on haiku.js was found online and used for practice writing tests. All other content is original.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • First, clone this repository to your desktop by navigating to the desktop in the Terminal ("cd desktop") and then entering "git clone Project-Repo-Here".
  • Once the directory is cloned to your desktop, open the directory in the Terminal ("cd Project-Repo-Here").
  • After that open the directory in Visual Studio Code by entering the command "code ." in the Terminal.
  • Open index.html in a browser of your choice to view the project. (Google Chrome is recomended)

Project Specifications

Behavior Input Output
Accepts User input This is a haiku This is NOT a haiku
Converts input to lowercase and counts syllables of user input this is a haiku 5 syllables
checks for correct line and syllable count format this is a haiku first line correct, second and third line missing
confirms if input is or is not a haiku this is a haiku This is NOT a haiku

Technologies Used

  • HTML

  • Bootstrap

  • CSS

  • Git

  • JavaScript

  • jQuery

  • Node Package Manager


This software is licensed under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Jieun Kang & Geoff Goetz