I solved it!

The solution was to use FileReader and convert the file to an ArrayBuffer. I've updated the repo with the solution. The trick was to reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);, wait for a load event, and finally uploaded reader.result to Firebase. See main.js for the full solution.

Note: I will delete the Firebase project and only leave the code. If you want to test this you will need to and update the Firebase credentials (and rebuild the .apk if you want to test in Android). I will also remove any cordova files and only leave the www folder.

I will leave the error description below in case someone stumbles upon this.

The problem

This is a Cordova test project to reproduce a bug when uploading files to Firebase using the WEB SDK on Android with an <input type="file">.

Running the project

There is an .apk file in ./FirebaseUpload/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk.

To remote debug:

  1. Connect device via USB and make sure developer mode + debugging is enabled
  2. Open Chrome dev tools and select More tools > Remote devices.
  3. Select your device on the left, and inspect the webview.

To try this on a browser simply open FirebaseUpload/www/index.html in your browser.

To compile the .apk file:

  1. Install Android SDK and Cordova with sudo npm install -g cordova
  2. cd FirebaseUpload
  3. cordova build android --debug

To compile and run the .apk on a connected device:

  1. Install Android SDK and Cordova with sudo npm install -g cordova
  2. cd FirebaseUpload
  3. cordova run android --device

Reproducing the error

Run the app in your Android device. Select a file to upload and wait.

When selectting a file from the downloads folder ir runs fine.

When selecting a file from the Drive folder the error will show up (even when the file is downloaded and available for offline use).

When uploading a file from the Drive folder to some website using the browser it works fine. For example to www.imgur.com It seems the problem is in the Firebase Web SDK.

When remote debugging with Chrome the error message is:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

After a few tries a new error appears:

code: "storage/retry-limit-exceeded"
message: "Firebase Storage: Max retry time for operation exceeded, please try again."