
PasswordCrypt for Pharo Smalltalk

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


PasswordCrypt is a library for Pharo Smalltalk to handle passwords salted and hashed by SHA-256/SHA-512. Its primary components are PCPasswordCrypt, PCAuthenticator and PCBasicAuthenticator.


At its core, PCPasswordCrypt provides the following class-side messages:

  • sha512crypt:withSalt:
  • sha256crypt:withSalt:

An example:

PCPasswordCrypt sha256crypt: 'secret' withSalt: 'andPepperToo'

The result is a string in modular crypt format (MFC). $5 on the left of the string indicates that the hashing algorithm is SHA-256. For SHA-512, the indicator is $6.

On the instance side, PCPasswordCrypt generates the salt randomly if one is not supplied:

PCPasswordCrypt new sha256crypt: 'secret'


PCAuthenticator builds on PCPasswordCrypt to provide username/password management. PCAuthenticator operates as a singleton object to persist its data in the Pharo image across restarts.

Example usage:

| appName auth newUser userToValidate |

appName := 'myApp'.

"Initialize the authenticator for my application."
auth := PCAuthenticator uniqueInstance.
auth initializeDatabaseFor: appName.

"Add a user."
newUser := PCUserCredential
  appname: appName;
  username: 'testuser';
  password: 'secret';
auth insertUserCredential: newUser.

"Create another user object and validate its password."
userToValidate := PCUserCredential
  appname: appName;
  username: 'testuser';
  password: 'secret';
auth validateUserCredential: userToValidate
"If the passwords match, userToValidate is returned; otherwise, nil is returned."

PCAuthenticatorUI is a simple Spec-based user interface to upsert new usernames/passwords into PCAuthenticator. I wrote it because I simply abhor code snippets containing clear-text passwords, except for demonstration as above. To run PCAuthenticatorUI:

PCAuthenticatorUI new openWithSpec


PCBasicAuthenticator subclasses ZnBasicAuthenticator, the HTTP basic authentication handler in ZincHTTPComponents. It uses PCAuthenticator so that

  • usernames and passwords are persistent,
  • it is feasible to use PCAuthenticatorUI for a small number of users, such as during development and testing.


To install the Pharo code:

Metacello new
  baseline: 'PasswordCrypt';
  repository: 'github://PierceNg/PasswordCrypt/src-st';

PCPasswordCrypt is an FFI to the C library libshacrypt, built from the source files shacrypt256.c and shacrypt512.c in the directory src-c. To build the C library:

% cd src-c
% make

The generated shared library is libshacrypt.so on Linux and libshacrypt.dylib on OSX/macOS. It must be placed where the Pharo VM can find it at run time. My practice is to place the shared library file together with the Pharo VM's plugins. On macOS, suppose Pharo is installed in /Users/pierce/Pharo.app, then libshacrypt.dylib goes into /Users/pierce/Pharo.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/.

Possible Future Work

  • Store/retrieve usernames/passwords in htpasswd files.



  • MIT license for PasswordCrypt
  • sha256crypt.c and sha512crypt.c are public domain