
Dart bindings to whisper.cpp project.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Dart bindings to the whisper.cpp library.


These bindings were generated by ffigen, but higher level wrappers have been manually written. In general, there's a wrapper for a Whisper Model to be loaded by file, with the latest FFI advancements, like NativeFinalizers and NativeCallables.

Getting started

To use this package, you must supply a precompiled dynamic library for whisper.cpp. Do keep in mind that this package most of the time targets the master branch of the whisper.cpp repo, since whisper.cpp is not stablilized enough to target releases.


Load an wav file in the right format and pass it to the model.

import 'dart:ffi';

void main(List<String> arguments) {
    // Replace this with your library path or name.
    final dll = DynamicLibrary.open('whisper.dll'); 
    final ffi = WhisperBindings(dll);
    // This model supports setting the language to predict
    final model = WhisperModel.fromPath(ffi, 'path/to/ggml-base.bin', language: 'auto'); 
    if(arguments > 1){
        final audioPath = arguments[1];
        // Parse the wav file and get samples data in a buffer.
        final sampleRate = WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE;
        // Whisper parses audio in 30s chunks.
        const whisperSecondsProcessed = 30;
        final sampleCount = sampleRate * whisperSecondsProcessed;
        final samplesPtr = calloc.alloc(sampleCount * sizeOf<Float>).cast<Float>();
        // Fill out the audio samples somehow.

        // This call has optional arguments for progress callbacks.
        model.whisperFull(samplesPtr, sampleCount);
        print("Detected speech: ${model.getAllSegments()}");

Additional information

PRs are welcome!