Build of a PeCAN, CAN decoder with a raspberry pi zero w and a CANHat.
- Install Raspbian lite OS on the micro SD card thanks to the Raspberry Pi imager.
- Set up the wifi and ssh connection parameters to be able to access the raspberry without monitor from your computer (see here)
Tips: Set up a hotspot from your computer to have a private subnet where you can connect your raspberry(see here).
You can follow this tutorial. Or in a nutshell:
- Plug the Hat on your Raspberry
- Modify config.txt:
- Open config.txt file with
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
and allow SPI protocole by uncommenting the linedtparam=spi=on
- Add the following line to the file:
to load the mcp2515 (CANHat controller) driver and set communication parameters
- Open config.txt file with
- Load the SocketCAN kernel modules:
- Use the command
sudo modprobe can
andsudo modprobe can_raw
- Verify the result with
lsmod | grep "can"
- Use the command
- Configure and bring up the SocketCAN network interface:
- Configure with
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 restart-ms 100
- Bring up with
sudo ip link set up can0
- Verify the result with
ip addr | grep "can"
- Configure with
Tips: For step 2) you can direclty replace the config.txt by this one and run script to perform all the steps. Note that you need to perform those steps only once an for all, only the 'Configure and bring up the SocketCAN network interface' steps need to be perform at every Raspberry boot, please refer to next section.
- Add on
directory - change access rights with
sudo chmod +x /bin/
- Add sockectcan_wapeup.service on
- reload daemon with
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- Enable service with
sudo systemctl enable socketcan_wakeup.service
- Start service with
sudo systemctl start socketcan_wakeup.service
- Check status with
systemctl status socketcan_wakeup.service
- Install package
sudo apt install can-utils
- To receive use
candump -tz can0
- To send use
cansend can0 456#00FFAA5501020304
for example
The PeCAN will be responsible for one specific CAN channel. It will be connect to it though a DB9 connector linked to the CANHat. A dbc file will be assign to the PeCAN. The package CAN-TcpCanStream will be used as a service on boot to receive TCP request from the router and execute the associated command. For more details please refer to the related repository.