# Abyssal Journey ### Description Abyssal Journey is a plateform video-game developped in Qt. This is currently the first release. Made with QT Creator 4.11.2 and Qt 5.14.2 ### Notes : * The sound doesn't work in the release, I tried to include .dll files but it doesn't work. If you want to hear ambience sounds, you can run it in QtCreator. * I designed all textures and music by myself, then there's no credits. * You can find all .h and .cpp in abyssaljourneyv1 (folder) > release (folder) and the makefiles in abyssaljourney (folder). ### Prerequisite Nothing to launch the game. A code editor to see the code A QT version + QTCreator/XMing+an IDE ### Installation You don't have to install something to launch the game ### Launch the game Go to abyssaljourneyv1 (folder) > release (folder) > and run the abyssaljourney.exe file. ### Roadmap Here some features that may be added in the future : * More levels * A multiplayer (local 1v1) mode * Custom touch keyboard * Some new items in game like a lever wich open doors or like boost and penalties (jump or speed) * Add coins in level(s) and a shop system where you can buy some custom skins to your player (hats, boots, guns...)
2D plateform's videogame | Dev. with C++ & QT | Engineering school project (2nd year/5)