This is a PHP Library project, allowing to avoid redoing boilerplate code.
This library tends to follow the PSR Guidelines :
As of today (July the 21st, 2018), the page advertises for 3 major sections :
- Autoloading (PSR-4)
- Interfaces (PSR-3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16)
- Coding styles (PSR-1, 2)
This code try to follows the PSR recommendations except for PSR-2 5.1 (namely putting curly braces on the same line as conditional statements), which :
- I have troubles reading
- Doesn't play well with my IDE's code autofolding
This library's content is organized in many files :
- bin contains an executable php file phex
It can be used to, for instance, transform text into json via
phex csvize < file
ManualTesting contains a collection of tests that cannot be automated (for instance, testing
) that is automatically called in the test suite -
Test contains the test suite
test_bootstrap.php is a initialiser for the test suite
lib contains the actual library files.
- Psr contains files from the Php Standard Recommendations
- PAG contains my personnal libraries
- Experimental contains non-conform thoughts or experiments
Connection is a set of utilitary classes that handle various connection in an abstract manner.
It allows SSH (SFTP) connections via password and pubkey authentication, as well as FTP and FTPS connection via password and netrc authentication.
It provides simple interfaces such as RemoteFileTransferTool
, which allows to copyLocalToRemote(local, remote)
and copyRemoteToLocal(remote, local)
, that can be used independantly from the type of connexion used, with an intelligent type-resolution transfer for FTP, which can be forced as well.
Format is a namespace to handle the formatting of data to be exported.
For now, handled formats are CSV and Json.
Php Cron Automation
Export / Import automation through factory and handlers