
CLI to list and cleanup your GitLab Container Registry and Container Repositories.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitLab Container Registry cleaner

CLI to list and cleanup your GitLab Container Registry and Container Repositories.


Clone this repository and run:

npm install
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner --help

Note: I can publish this as a package in npm public registry if someone deems it useful, just ask for it :)


  • Node 18+
  • GitLab token with api scope

Export environment variables to specify your GitLab server and token:

export GITLAB_HOST=https://gitlab.awesomecompany.net
export GITLAB_TOKEN="xxx" 

List Container Repositories for entire instance, groups or projects

List instance-wide Container Repositories:

# Check all Container Repository from 1 to 10000 with a concurrency of 20 by default
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list all

# Customize concurrency and ID range
# Example to check between ID 500-1000 with 10 concurrency (up to 10 requests in parallel)
# Output result to /tmp/repositories.json
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list all -s 500 -e 1000 -c 10 -o /tmp/repositories.json

Listing instance wide Container Repositories is done concurrently and may take some time. Internally, it calls GitLab REST API to check every repository ID between 1 and 10000 by default.

You can also list per group or per project:

./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list project 42
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list project mygroup/myproject

./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list group 666
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list group mygroup/mysubgroup

Cleanup Container Repositories

Run cleanup for a project's Container Repository. Note that by default cleanup will dry-run and regex won't match anything for safety reasons.

Example usage:

# Cleanup repository 161
# keep tags matching releases
# Will dry-run by default
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner clean 161 -k 'v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*' -d '.*'

# Output JSON list of tags that would be deleted to a file
# Check their name and created date
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner clean 161 -k 'v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*' -d '.*' --output-tags /tmp/tags.json
cat /tmp/tags.json | jq '.[] | .name + "\t" + .created_at ' -r

# Once satisfied, run without dry-run
./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner clean 161 -k 'v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*' -d '.*' --no-dry-run

How do I known my Container Repository ID?

Repository ID is visible in the URL when navigating to your project Container Repository in Deploy > Container Registry > [repository name]. URL looks like:

# Repository ID is 42

Alternatively, use ./gitlab-container-registry-cleaner list (see above)

Example keep/delete regex

# Keep releases and remove everything else
-k 'v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*' -d '.*'

# Delete all tags starting with `dev-`
# '$^' won't match anything
-k '$^' -d '$dev-.*'

# Delete all tags - USE WITH CARE
-k '$^' -d '.*'

How does cleanup work?

Cleanup behavior is similar to GitLab Registry cleanup policy. Cleaner calls GitLab REST API concurrently such as: