Easy-Drugs is a simple Cordova application using Ionic.
git clone https://github.com/PierreCharles/Easy-Drugs.git
You need to have a running web service. You should copy only www/web_service into public_html folder server.
Import current database from Config folder (database.sql) into your database.
CHANGE SERVICE_URL CONSTANT INTO app.js FILE with the correct URL of your server !
CHANGE CONFIGURATION into config file into web_service folder !
Copy all the content of www folder into public_html server folder.
Import current database from Config folder (database.sql) into your database.
Use Chrome plug-in 'Allow-Control-Allow-Origin' to disable : Access-Control-Allow-Origin --> CORS when try to get or post something.
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
npm install -g cordova ionic
Go into Easy-Drugs project :
cd Easy-Drugs
ionic serve
ionic serve --lab
cordova platform add android
ionic run android --device
cordova platform add ios
- www
- web_service : contains all php files to copy an web server to make a web service.
- js contains all js source file.
- controller : Controller folder.
- factories : Factories files folder.
- services : Services file folder.
- routes : Contains routes of the application.
- app.js : entry point angular application.
- templates : Contains all html templates.
- css : Contains all css stylesheet.
- lib : Contains the libraries sources folders.
- img : Contains all images of the application.
- index.html : entry point of the application.
- plugins contains all app plugins.
- phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner : The BarcodeScanner plugin supports extracting data from a large range of barcodes, including QR codes. On Android you can also encode any piece of text (URL, phone number, etc) into a QR code.
- Jéremy MEZHOUD
- Pierre CHARLES