
Algorithms for Sendit

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


project folder organization

The project is organized through 9 folders:

  • /classifiers, that groups the different machine learning & deep learning algorithms, using Keras & Sk-learn. There you can train, using data in a /data folder (that you have to create) and predict using a model from /tmp.
  • /embeddings, groups TF-IDF, word2vec, doc2vec and others way to embed ours word vectors, using Gensim & NLTK
  • /formatting, to format any data to a csv with 2 columns (label, sentence) that is our format to do supervised learning.
  • /preprocessing, process the raw words to the words that will be used for the embeddings part (part of dictionary, etc...)
  • /ner, groups all ner algorithms, using CRF Suite for python
  • /unsupervised, groups all unsupervised learning technics, for now : cosine similarity & kmeans.
  • /paraphrase_detection, groups paraphrase detection algorithms.
  • /misc, groups miscellaneous scripts
  • /tmp, groups all ours templates (models that are trained).


les imports sont tous absolus: ils partent de ./Blabladata.

git stuff

You can go read this cheat sheet first: https://services.github.com/kit/downloads/fr/github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf

If you need to commit new change, don't forget to put your heavy data file in the .gitignore and then process in this order:

  • First : retrieve what is on the git that you don't have. Stash command will merge for you what can be easily merge (new files) and will give you 2 differents code in your files for things that are changed on the git and on your side
git stash
git pull
git stash pop
  • Second : you can commit and push, after merging manually what need to be merge manually
git add .
git commit -m 'message to be commited'
git push
  • If you commited something that can't be push (file > 50MO for instance), and you are ahead of origin/master of n commit, use:
git reset --soft HEAD~1

This will not erase your local directory (if you use --hard it will)