
Test app retrieving VDM data and providing REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TestVDM - Test app retrieving VDM data and providing REST API


  • Install NodeJS
  • Install MongoDB for Windows or MongoDB for iOS
  • Clone the Github repo git clone https://github.com/Kiruchi/TestVDM.git
  • Run npm install in the local repo folder
  • Run npm install -g jasmine-node to install the Jasmine test runner
  • Run mongod or path/to/mongodb/bin/mongod in a second cli to start MongoDB (you may have to specify the path by adding --dbpath \data\db)
  • Run node getPosts.js in the first cli to save the VDM posts to the DB
  • Run npm start or node server.js to launch the REST API
  • Test it on http://localhost:8080/api (or on your environment variable PORT instead of 8080)
  • Make sure the API is still running, and run the unit tests with npm test or jasmine-node spec/

But how is it built ?

  • NodeJS
  • Cheerio for scraping
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB
  • Express for the REST API
  • Jasmine-Node
  • Frisby for the unit tests