


Any placeholder like %help% is used for educational or training settings to indicate that the person answering the question should provide additional information or guidance to help the questioner understand the topic better. It signals that the questioner is seeking assistance or clarification and is looking for more than just a simple answer to their question.

This are command line actions

This are comments blocks

This are DO actions blocks that you need to do

This are extra >>>> explain extra toughts

This is important💭 > who,what,where,When,why ? + How So:/To/much/many

Yes i want you to have all steps before you know it is importent (are you self aware ?)

Knowledge is power can you also reverse these lines <<<<<>>>>>

What are the boundaries ?

What it takes to be a king 👑

Why are you still doing this?

This is or what is the end off the line?

OR not OR why OR true OR negative OR positive ?

it's a pyramid that you need to clime or absent ? you are still alive 👾

Process and procedure are the 🗝 > to go on you need YOU

so now you know the code, how to exploit? Don't trust anyone! not even your self!

make dream come trough