
Deep Learning Project - 2023/24

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Deep Learning Project - 2023/24

This repository is a template repository for the homeworks to be developed in the Deep Learning course.

Deep Learning is a course of the

Group members

Francesco Chemello francesco.chemello.1@studenti.unipd.it
Gabriella Farias gabriellaingridy.desouzafarias@studenti.unipd.it
Pietro Volpato pietro.volpato@studenti.unipd.it

Organisation of the repository

The repository is organised as follows:

  • code: folder that contains all the code for the homework + files for git.
  • presentation: this folder contains the final presentation of the course.
    • slides: this folder contains the slides used for presenting the project.
  • developing: contains the files that the group uses for developing the application.


  1. Retrieve data from .csv files (training, validation and test set).
  2. OneHot coding for alphabetic to numeric (4xN matrix, N = sting size).
  3. Reshape the PyTorch tensor to fit the data.
  4. Implementation of RNN (GRU NN because it is simpler and has better performance).
  5. Training with RNN epochs or K-fold for a better use of data (in this case we can implement it with Colab).
  6. Run on the test set.
  7. Performance evaluation: metrics used by ViraMiner.
  8. Discussion of results + ppt presentation of work or pdf (as directed by the professor).
Google Colab

Link to Google Colab file: https://colab.research.google.com/github/FrancescoChemello/Deep-Learning-Project/blob/main/code/project-colab.ipynb?authuser=1#scrollTo=Jbw00zSUP9u5&uniqifier=1


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